Par Winzell par.winzell at alyx.com
Fri Sep 19 18:59:19 CEST 2008

bart at wotf.org wrote:
> At any rate, my comment mostly concerned the amount of time and efford it
> takes to write n alternative for DGD. Doing so to be able to pay for your
> server costs sounds like a inefficient use of your time, spending a fraction
> of that time on some small sidejob should already cover the costs of hosting
> unless you plan on something much more serious and intend to develop a
> commercial product and a business.

While I agree with what you're saying, I think it is amply clear that 
Shinto's strongly motivated to do all this work for reasons other than 
the strictly rational. Ideological, philosophical, random, I have no 
clue -- and, doesn't really matter, since he's having fun with it.

Anyway, writing an alternative to DGD is a gargantuan undertaking. You 
can hack up a quick LPC driver, sure, but as you suggest, why would you 
do that? There's existing alternatives. The precise solution that DGD 
has to offer the world, however, cannot be duplicate in any reasonable 
amount of time.


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