Par Winzell par.winzell at alyx.com
Fri Sep 19 19:17:26 CEST 2008

Shentino wrote:
> I'm actually trying to leverage my time so that OTHERS could spare
> themselves server costs.

If you insist that this makes actual sense, I have to agree with Bart -- 
a programmer of a caliber sufficient to do what you're doing can easily 
find work, online or otherwise, that pays far far far far more per hour 
than even a dozen MUDs will ever save in "server costs". This isn't 
economics or politics, it's just common sense.

Text MUDs don't use any CPU to speak of and pretty much zero bandwidth. 
Hosting is very cheap. A busy website asking for donations is a 
different matter since they pump out orders of magnitude more content to 
their users.

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