Par Winzell par.winzell at alyx.com
Fri Sep 19 19:44:39 CEST 2008

Shentino wrote:
> Define "cheap".
> Where I come from, even ten bucks a month isn't chicken feed.

I've no interested in socio-ethnic comparisons, all Bart is saying and I 
am saying is that if you are making a rational argument as opposed to a 
heart-felt one (which is fine) you have to base it on the reality that a 
competent programmer with good English skills can sit pretty much 
anywhere in the world and do basic Perl or PHP coding or whatever and 
make $25/hour.

I really have no problem with the argument "That's not how I like to 
think about money; I just like things to be free"; I'm not always very 
keen on being hyper-rational about putting a monetary on everything, 
especially hobby work. But you keep talking about these fees as if they 
play a huge role in your life, and I just don't see why.


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