[DGD] hook functions for compile/recompile/destruct for programs (and related data)

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Sat Aug 21 11:18:58 CEST 2010

Carter Cheng <cartercheng at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am kind of new at this and I have been looking for the hook
> functions for these things to interface with the JIT system (and how
> to find information about which programs are in memory and the related
> methods/functions). If someone could point me in the right direction I
> would appreciate it. Relaunched the JIT project anyhow.

In DGD, the program of an object is the "control block", in which there
is a "program" field for the byte code and line number information.
The control block is constructed in src/comp/control.c.  Recompiling an
object completely replaces its control block; this is done in

The control block and the "dataspace" of an object are declared in
src/data.h, and are managed by src/data.c (high level) and src/sdata.c
(low level).

(I have to cut this short, if you have further questions I will try to
answer them later.)

Felix Croes

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