[DGD] What MudLibs are out there?

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 17:08:04 CET 2010

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:49 AM, <bart at wotf.org> wrote:

> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/dgd-osr/index.php?title=Game_libraries_running_on_DGD
> Myself, I maintain Gurbalib, and it runs on 1.4.1 (comes bundled with it in
> the most recent svn version). The updated Phantasmal should run as well, if
> not, the changes required to make it run aren't very big.

I'm currently the maintainer of Phantasmal, and if you're getting errors I
certainly would like to hear about them.  Noah Gibbs, the original author
and maintainer before I took over, may also be able to help if I'm stumped.

In the meantime I'm in the middle of digging them up and running a test
against them.

I don't know much about Kotaka, but I'm sure Shentino can tell you more
> about it.


The gist of it is that I'm putting a high focus on durability.  In theory,
you shouldn't ever be able to get Kotaka into a state where you're locked
out or otherwise perma-hosed.

My biggest obstacle right now is getting the zen and tao of red-black trees
soaked up so that I can move on with quite a few other things depending on
that, such as bigstruct mappings, itself a major task which other things
depend on.  I'm sorta getting red-black trees, more study is required.

I'm using the STL standard part of ISO C++ as a model for the bigstruct

All other publicly available libs will need some work most likely.
> Bart.
> On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 14:34:58 +0100, Arjen wrote
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Was wondering what mudlibs are currently used on DGD v1.4.1? I have tried
> > running Phantasmal, but ended up having errors (found references to these
> > errors in the archives). What are you all running?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > /Arjen
> >
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