[DGD] Current Status of VM efforts

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 12:37:38 CEST 2011

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Carter Cheng <cartercheng at gmail.com> wrote:

> Shentino thanks. Since you are around I do have a followup question
> for you (since you have been stress testing the dgd server). I have
> been thinking of compiling a version of this server with profiling on.
> Is there some methodology you have for assessing the performance?
> Dworkin do you have any idea here?

My guess is that you'd definitely want to pay attention to i_interpret
and/or i_call

JIT can only help with bypassing interpretation of machine code, and you
still have invariant overhead elsewhere (processing callouts, handling
network I/O, swapping, etc) that JIT won't influence.

To be quite frank, as far as my tests go, mostly I've been pushing the
envelope so hard that I wind up exposing bugs long before I get around to
performance evaluations.  Most of my attempts to optimize dgd and/or a
mudlib running on it wind up turning into segfaults...and then into patches
from dworkin.

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