[DGD] Swapping users

Blain blain20 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 06:31:37 CET 2014

I've been running a bare bones lib on my new BRIX machine and a friend of
mine was idling a lot on it using the kernel user.  I noticed one day that
I received notification of him 'going' linkdead.  I'm sure he was linkdead
long before, but I figure his user object might've been swapped out at some
point due to disuse and my logging in caused it to swap in when it
announces my connecting.  My question is, is it possible to prevent user
objects from swapping out (if that is indeed what occurred here) so that it
can get updates like linkdeath immediately?  Or is there a good place in
the kernel I can force an update when close() is received from the game
driver, perhaps?


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