[DGD] Uninterruptible Power Supply

Littlefield, Tyler tyler at tysdomain.com
Thu Dec 22 16:33:30 CET 2016

Long uptimes are something that people gloat and cheer about for all the
wrong reasons. a UPS isn't to allow you to stay up (since if your power
is down, chances are internet will be too), but to allow you to properly
save data before you drop it on the floor. A few years uptime is
generally not a great idea since it means kernels haven't been updated,
you haven't updated main libs which some services run on (and it's
really realy hard to restart everything once you update and know for
sure they're all restarted), etc. I take every server down once every 2
weeks or so, unless there's a big security update. BSD has hell with
OpenSSL. Usually it's just a quick reboot and there we are again, up and
On 12/22/2016 1:06 AM, Raymond Jennings wrote:
> I just got my desktop (and thus the server processes hosted on it) hooked
> up to a UPS...and I now have the great rich feeling of being immune to
> brownouts.
> Do any of you guys use a UPS to keep uptime going?
> Both commercial and hobbyist usages count.
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Take care,
Twitter: @sorressean
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