[DGD] Persistent Users

Gary gary at mups.co.uk
Fri Sep 23 23:23:41 CEST 2016

On 23/09/16 21:58, bart at wotf.org wrote:
> Anyway, what I like about the interface is that it keeps the lpc code which
> uses it simple as you can just write it as if dealing with a simple mapping,
> but at the same time it gives you full control over any access to the data,
> oh, and it can be used to enforce a uniform access method to things like an
> account system (which in that case should only accept external calls if they
> come from a proxy object).

I appreciate you taking the time to explain this over the last couple of
days. Whilst I'll likely continue working through different use cases
and setups in general, as far as the account system goes I'm going with
the LWO proxy to AccountD option.

Probably with a simplistic AccountD at first, mapping of mappings would
cover enough accounts[1] for a first cut approach. Migration could then
later take place to a multi-object approach either when issues arise or
I need such a system for other reasons and may as well then move the
account system over to it.

That should give me suitable flexibility for the future whilst avoiding
over complicating the initial implementation.

Cheers everyone for your advice.


[1]: Delusions of grandeur in expecting more than 1000 accounts
(inactive or not). Unless they're mostly all mine ;)

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