[MUD-Dev] Guilds & Politics [was Affecting the World]

Koster Koster
Thu Dec 11 09:33:47 CET 1997

On Wednesday, December 10, 1997 3:30 PM, coder at ibm.net wrote:

> Or, as I've been calling it here on the list, the social predators 
> their prey.  Heinlein's Dune Messiah can be particularly 
entertaining in
> tht regard.

Ack! Urgh! WHOSE Dune Messiah?

Heinlein: Future History, Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Glory Road, Job, 
Lazarus Long, Waldo, etc etc.

Frank Herbert: Dune, Dune Messiah etc, the execrable White Plague, 

Wash out thy mouth with soap and water, my son...


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