META: FAQ: Location, etc

s001gmu at s001gmu at
Fri Dec 12 16:09:34 CET 1997

hmmm.. brief blurb...

Name: Greg Underwood

Occupation: Foole  :P  Student, primariy, Simulation design Co-Op to pay 
the bills. (as a side note, I am probably one of the younger members of 
the list, weighing in at age 23)

Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA (yeah, the place where they had the Bosnia 
Peace Talks a couple years back).

Projects/tendancies: I used to work on Diku/merc/rom derivatives, 
specifically, Eternity of Discord.  (the code base of which has survived 
in various forms under a couple of different names, which surprises the 
heck out of me.. it sucks. :)
Currently working on a home-grown project with a friend who is currently 
a lurker on the list.
The Major foci of the porject include a MUCH more realistic combat model 
from Diku.  One of the key differences being one vs many combat results 
in one very dead opponent very quickly, usualy.  A heavy magic world, 
with a well defined metaphysics, which defines the physics of the world.  
I have yet to post a summary of our metaphysics on here... been meaning 
to.  :)  Other key features include the Event driver, Object oriented 
nature of the program, mSQL relational database is what we're using for 
info-management, and a non-io specific server, requireing a specialized 
client to transform the data into something your terminal can display.  
Rp is a nice side effect of the multi-player nature of the game, but it 
is primarily a numbers/resource management game.  Pkill, with permadeath, 
though they are slight misnomers, but good enough for now.  Leaning 
heavily towards PC is _not_ all of the brains of the character 
(self-preservation instincts will be coded), but has probably 90-95% 


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