[MUD-Dev] "short" Introductory Message (fwd)

Jeff Kesselman jeffk at tenetwork.com
Wed Jun 18 22:59:36 CEST 1997

At 09:34 PM 6/18/97 PST8PDT, marian g. wrote:
>You don't open a game for the majority of people. You open a game that
>-you- like.  Or so most implementors I've spoken with maintain. 

Depends  on whether you are doing it as a hobby or a business.

Havign said that I firmly believe that my own tastes are so wonderful that
if I build what I like, lots of other people will too.  Its called "ego" :)

>  They want rewards without having to
>work for them.  But preferably with being given the  -impression- that
>they have worked fairly hard for it.  

Um, I disagree here. These games tend to be social interractions, many want
the admiration of others.  Some less mature personalities jus rtwant the
attention of others. I DO agree many will take the eeasiest perceived route
to get there.

>Maybe I should rephrase that to: "players don't like challenges.  They
>like results. And preferably those results should come sooner for them
>than they come for the other players."

This is teh American competitive training at work. IMO.  I personally feel
these kidsn of games are a wonderful palce to explore and promote
NONCOMPETITIVE gaming. And yes, such can and does exist.


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