Issues from the digests and Wout's list

Alex Oren alexo at
Mon Mar 3 12:13:30 CET 1997

Hello Guys.

I've finally finished sloshing through the digests I've missed (don't ask).

It seems that since we have a new mailing list and some new participants, some
questions are in order.


First, there was some merit in the digest system.
ChrisL, do you think you can implement something similar?


Second, I think that it is fitting that the ones that have working systems will
post their current design description for the benefit of the rest of us.

I know that C&C, Spoofs, Watchers, Affects/affects, etc. have been beaten to
death in the previous (Wout's) incarnation of this list, but some of the later
participants might benefit from a concise summary.

One of the things that were not discussed at length is the issue of parsing and
handling user input.  Could you comment on that too?

Also, there were some yet unfulfilled promises, like:

  From: S001GMU at
  Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 01:48:46 -0500 (EST)
  Subject: Re: a bunch of stuff.. ;)
  } Which reminds me.  I promised a paper for ya'll.  :}
  } Well, I decided I was just going to give ya a highlites version of it.
  } As it is now it is very tailored to it's audiance, three CS profs who know
  } jack-squeeze about MUDs.  I think it might be a bit insulting to you guys. 
  } well, at least the intro might be.  ;)  that and it's got some diagrams that
  } would be fairly hard to replicate in ascii.  ;)

And a mention of a global mob AI (IIRC).


Third, Some issues from the digests quietly died with the move to ChrisL's list.

Some of the discussions that (IMHO) were left unfinished were:

1) The combat system.
* Limb based combat.
* Staged combat (scripts).
} > By default chop at Bubba's legs with the shield.  But, if Bubba swings
}   at my head, buck and stab at him with the sword.  If Bubba attacks my
}   legs, jump clear while smashing his head with the shield.  If Bubba
}   attacks my middle or arms, block with the shield and stab his legs with
}   the sword.

2) Namespaces.
* Allowing players to name one another.
* Introduction systems.
* The "familiar face" element and remembering/forgetting names.
* Naming objects and exits.

3) Skills and skill trees.

4) Rumors.
* Decaying rumors.
* "Alerting authorities".

5) Containers and grouping.
* Handling different yet similar objects.
* Groups of people/mobs.
* "Piles of junk".
* Referring to specific items/individuals in a group.

6) Global mob AI.


Well, that's all.

Thanx for your patience and cooperation.

Have fun,

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