Skill Listing - Part I

Jon A. Lambert jlsysinc at
Thu Oct 30 23:23:47 CET 1997

I found the following list of AD&D skills (proficiencies) floating about
on the net.  Perchance it may be of use to those having trouble dreaming
up skills.  Only the titles are given.

This post has been split into two parts because of mailer limitations.

 Here is a list of proficiencies that I have compiled from all of the
 sources I have available to me.  I hope you find it useful.  If you can't
 find a proficiency on here, that means I've missed one, and that's
 absolutely dreadful.  The proficiencies found in the Council of Wyrms boxed
 set were included in the regular character's proficiency lists when the
 proficiency seemed appliable to regular characters.  In one case, that of
 the Tease proficiency, I made the judgment that it would be unbalancing for
 any character other than a dragon to be able to incite this anger in
 another dragon, and so it was included under the Dragon proficiencies.  At
 the DM's option, this proficiency could be available to certain special
 characters (Dragon Knight for example).  Some proficiencies have been left
 out because they do the same thing as another (more recent) proficiency. 
 Others have been included even if they seem to do the same as another
 proficiency because the game effect is substantially different.  Some
 proficiencies, specifically those out of the Oriental Adventures hardbound,
 had to be updated for 2nd Ed.  I did my best to make the relevant ability
 and modifier realistic and comparable to existing proficiencies.  E-mail me
 and let me know what you think of my judgments and what I've missed.

Skillful D&Ding,

E-Mail Address: necromncr at

Source List (in the order that they appear)
PHBR7     The Complete Bard's Handbook
Mztca     Maztica boxed set
PHBR10    The Complete Book of Humanoids
PH        Player's Handbook 2nd Ed.
PHBR1     Complete Fighter's Handbook
PHBR2     Complete Thief's Handbook
AgHrs     Age of Heroes campaign sourcebook
MsqRd     Masque of the Red Death boxed set
DSBox     Dark Sun boxed set
PHBR6     The Complete Book of Dwarves
PHBR11    The Complete Ranger's Handbook
AlQ       Al-Qadim: Arabian Adventures
WrCpt     War Captain's Companion boxed set
OA        Oriental Adventures hardbound
RdStl     Red Steel boxed set
CnclWm    Council of Wyrms
CGR2      The Complete Gladiator's Handbook
HR5       The Glory of Rome campaign sourcebook
WlWy      The Will and the Way
DLA       Dragonlance Adventures hardbound
CGR1      The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook
HR2       Charlemagne's Paladins campaign sourcebook
CpltPl    The Complete Paladin's Handbook
PHBR5     Complete Psionics Handbook
DR###     Dragon Magazine issue ###
CpltSh    The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook
SJR1      Lost Ships
HR4       A Mighty Fortress campaign sourcebook

Complete Proficiency List

                        # of Slots   Relevant        Check
Proficiency              Required    Ability        Modifier   Source  Page
Acting                      1        Charisma          -1      PHBR7   64
Adobe                       1        Strength           0      Mztca   55
Alertness                   1        Wisdom            +1      PHBR10  92
Agriculture                 1        Intelligence       0      PH      56
Ambidexterity               1        NA                NA      PHBR1   60
Animal Handling             1        Wisdom            -1      PH      56
Animal Noise                1        Wisdom            -1      PHBR2   16
Animal Training             1        Wisdom             0      PH      56
Art Expression/Dramatist    1        Intelligence      -2      AgHrs   41
Artistic Ability            1        Wisdom             0      PH      57
Athletics                   1        Variable           0      MsqRd   32
Ball Game                   2        Special            0      Mztca   65
Bargain                     1        Wisdom            -2      DSBox   45
Blacksmithing               1        Strength           0      PH      57
Boating                     1        Wisdom            +1      PHBR2   17
Boatwright                  1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR6   42
Brewing                     1        Intelligence       0      PH      58
Canoe-making                1        Wisdom            +2      Mztca   56
Canoeing                    1        Dexterity          0      Mztca   57
Carpentry                   1        Strength           0      PH      58
Cartography                 1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR11  82
Chanting                    1        Charisma          +2      PHBR7   64
Cheesemaking                1        Intelligence       0      PHBR10  93
Cobbling                    1        Dexterity          0      PH      58
Cooking                     1        Intelligence       0      PH      58
Craft Instrument            2        Dexterity         -2      PHBR7   66
Dancing                     1        Dexterity          0      PH      58
Danger Sense                2        Wisdom            +1      PHBR10  94
Debate                      1        Intelligence       0      AlQ     73
Direction Sense             1        Wisdom            +1      PH      58
Distance Sense              1        Wisdom             0      PHBR11  83
Drinking                    1        Constitution       0      PHBR10  94
Dwarf Runes                 1        Intelligence      +2      PHBR6   43
Eating                      1        Constitution       0      PHBR10  94
Etiquette                   1        Charisma           0      PH      58
Falconry                    1        Wisdom            -1      PHBR11  83
Fire-Building               1        Wisdom            -1      PH      58
Fire Control                1        Wisdom             0      WrCpt   8
Fishing                     1        Wisdom            -1      PH      58
Floating Agriculture        2        Strength           0      Mztca   57
Flower Arranging            1        Charisma           0      OA      55
Free Fall                   1        Dexterity         -2      WrCpt   7
Fungi Recognition           1        Intelligence      +3      PHBR6   43
Glassblowing                1        Dexterity         -1      RdStl   86
Gold Casting                1        Intelligence      -1      Mztca   57
Haggling                    2        Wisdom             0      AlQ     75
Healing                     2        Wisdom            -2      PH      59
Heat Protection             1        Intelligence      -2      DSBox   45
Heraldry                    1        Intelligence       0      PH      59
Hiding                      2        Intelligence      -1      PHBR10  95
Journalism                  1        Intelligence       0      MsqRd   37
Landscape Gardening         1        Wisdom             0      OA      55
Languages, Modern           1        Intelligence       0      PH      61
Leatherworking              1        Intelligence       0      PH      61
Legacy Lore                 1        Intelligence      -1      RdStl   87
Lore                        1        Intelligence      -1      CnclWm  46
Massage                     1        Dexterity          0      CGR2    30
Metalworking                1        Dexterity          0      AlQ     76
Mining                      2        Wisdom            -3      PH      61
Mosaic                      1        Wisdom             0      Mztca   57
Observation                 1        Intelligence       0      PHBR2   19
Obsidian Working            2        Intelligence      -1      Mztca   57
Oration                     1        Charisma          -1      AgHrs   41
Origami                     1        Wisdom             0      OA      55
Paper-maker                 1        Dexterity          0      OA      53
Persuasion                  1        Charisma           0      PHBR11  84
Philosophy                  1        Wisdom            -1      AgHrs   42
Poetry                      1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR7   66
Politics                    1        Charisma           0      HR5     33
Pottery                     1        Dexterity         -2      PH      61
Psionic Detection           1        Wisdom            -2      DSBox   45
Psychic Defense             2        Wisdom            -2      WlWy    31
Psychometry                 2        Wisdom            -2      MsqRd   41
Rhetoric                    1        Charisma           0      HR5     33
Riding, Airborne            2        Wisdom            -2      PH      62
Riding, Dragons             2        Dexterity          0      DLA     71
Riding, Land-based          1        Wisdom            +3      PH      62
Riding, Sea-based           2        Dexterity         -2      PHBR11  84
Rope Use                    1        Dexterity          0      PH      63
Rowing                      1        Strength          -1      AgHrs   42
Rulership                   2        Charisma           0      CnclWm  48
Savoir-faire                1        Charisma           0      MsqRd   41
Seamanship                  1        Dexterity         +1      PH      63
Seamstress/Tailor           1        Dexterity         -1      PH      63
Semaphore                   1        Intelligence       0      WrCpt   8
Shipwright                  1        Dexterity         +1      CGR1    65
Sign Language               1        Intelligence       0      PHBR6   46
Signaling                   1        Intelligence      +2      PHBR6   46
Signaling, Ship             1        Intelligence      +2      CGR1    65
Silk Maker                  1        Dexterity          0      OA      53
Singing                     1        Charisma           0      PH      63
Sixth Sense                 2        Intelligence      -2      MsqRd   42
Slow Breathing              1        Constitution      -5      WrCpt   8
Slow Respiration            1        Wisdom             0      CGR1    65
Smelting                    1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR6   47
Sound Analysis              1        Wisdom            -1      PHBR6   47
Spacemanship                1        Dexterity         +1      CGR1    66
Special Interest            1 or 2   Variable           0      MsqRd   42
Stewardship                 1        Intelligence       0      HR2     23
Statecraft                  1        Intelligence       0      HR2     23
Stonemasonry                1        Strength          -2      PH      63
Survival, Wildspace         2        Wisdom            -2      WrCpt   9
Swimming                    1        Strength           0      PH      64
Tattooing                   1        Dexterity          0      CpltSh  123
Taxidermy                   1        Dexterity         -2      MsqRd   43
Tea Ceremony                2        Wisdom             0      OA      55
Teamster                    1        Dexterity         +1      MsqRd   43
Underground Navigation      1        Intelligence       0      PHBR6   47
Voice Mimicry               2        Charisma           0      PHBR2   21
Water Find                  1        Intelligence       0      DSBox   46
Weapon Proficiency          1        NA                NA      PH      50
Weather Sense               1        Wisdom            -1      PH      65
Weaving                     1        Intelligence      -1      PH      65
Whistling/Humming           1        Dexterity         +2      PHBR7   66
Winemaking                  1        Intelligence       0      PHBR10  98

                        # of Slots   Relevant        Check
Proficiency              Required    Ability        Modifier   Source  Page
Academician                 1        Wisdom             0      MsqRd   30
Ancient History             1        Intelligence      -1      PH      56
Astrology                   2        Intelligence       0      PH      57
Biology                     2        Intelligence       0      MsqRd   32
Bureaucracy                 2        Intelligence       0      CpltPl  73
Calligraphy                 2        Dexterity          0      OA      55
Cartography                 1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    63
Ceremony                    1        Wisdom             0      RdStl   85
Curse Lore                  1        Intelligence      -1      RdStl   85
Diagnostics                 1        Wisdom            -1      CpltPl  74
Engineering                 2        Intelligence      -3      PH      58
Genie Lore                  1        Intelligence       0      AlQ     74
Herbalism                   2        Intelligence      -2      PH      59
Hypnosis                    1        Charisma          -2      PHBR5   18
Languages, Ancient          1        Intelligence       0      PH      61
Law                         1        Wisdom             0      CpltPl  75
Local History               1        Charisma           0      PH      61
Medicine                    2        Wisdom             0      MsqRd   38
Musical Instrument          1        Dexterity         -1      PH      61
Navigation                  1        Intelligence      -2      PH      61
Navigation, Wildspace       1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    64
Navigation, Phlogiston      1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    64
Oratory                     1        Charisma           0      CpltPl  75
Plane Knowledge             1        Intelligence      -2      DR213   14
Planetology                 2        Intelligence      -1      CGR1    65
Prognostication             2        Intelligence       0      MsqRd   40
Psychology                  2        Wisdom             0      MsqRd   40
Reading/Writing             1        Intelligence      +1      PH      61
Religion                    1        Wisdom             0      PH      61
Shield Proficiency          1+       NA                NA      DR127   36
Somatic Concealment         1        Dexterity         -1      DSBox   46
Spellcraft, Priest          1        Wisdom            -2      PH      63
Spelljamming                2        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    66
Storytelling                1        Charisma           0      RdStl   89
Undead Knowledge            1        Wisdom             0      CpltSh  123
Veterinary Healing          1        Wisdom            -3      PHBR11  86
Zero-Gravity Combat         1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    66
Zoology                     2        Intelligence       0      MsqRd   43

                        # of Slots   Relevant        Check
Proficiency              Required    Ability        Modifier   Source  Page
Ancient History             1        Intelligence      -1      PH      56
Appraising                  1        Intelligence       0      PH      57
Awareness                   2        Wisdom             0      AlQ     71
Balance                     1        Dexterity         -2      WrCpt   7
Begging                     1        Charisma           0      PHBR2   17
Blind-fighting              2        NA                NA      PH      57
Boarding Pike               1        Dexterity         +2      SJR1    4
Bureaucracy                 2        Intelligence       0      CpltPl  73
Camouflage                  1        Wisdom             0      PHBR11  82
Cartography                 1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    63
Chicanery                   1        Dexterity         -1      AgHrs   41
Close-quarter Fighting      2        Dexterity          0      PHBR10  93
Criminology                 2        Intelligence       0      MsqRd   34
Crowd Working               1        Charisma          +2      PHBR7   66
Disguise                    1        Charisma          -1      PH      58
Endurance                   2        Constitution       0      PH      58
Fast Talking                1        Charisma           0      PHBR2   17
Foraging                    1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR11  84
Forgery                     1        Dexterity         -1      PH      58
Fortune Telling             2        Charisma          +2      PHBR2   18
Gaming                      1        Charisma           0      PH      59
Gem Cutting                 2        Dexterity         -2      PH      59
Grappling Hook              1        Dexterity         +1      SJR1    4
Grooming                    2        Dexterity          0      AlQ     74
Herbalism                   2        Intelligence      -2      PH      59
Hunting                     1        Wisdom            -1      PH      59
Hypnosis                    1        Charisma          -2      PHBR5   18
Information Gathering       1        Intelligence       0      PHBR2   18
Intimidation                1        Strength/Charisma  0      PHBR2   19
Juggling                    1        Dexterity          0      PH      59
Jumping                     1        Strength           0      PH      61
Lip Reading                 1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR6   40
Local History               1        Charisma           0      PH      61
Locksmithing                1        Dexterity          0      PHBR2   19
Looting                     1        Dexterity          0      PHBR2   19
Musical Instrument          1        Dexterity         -1      PH      61
Navigation                  1        Intelligence      -2      PH      61
Pest Control                1        Wisdom             0      PHBR6   45
Reading Lips                2        Intelligence      -2      PH      61
Reading/Writing             1        Intelligence      +1      PH      61
Riding, Horse Specialized   2        Wisdom            +4      AlQ     76
Riding, Camel Specialized   2        Wisdom            +4      AlQ     77
Sail Manipulation           1        NA                NA      WrCpt   8 
Set Snares                  1        Dexterity         -1      PH      63 
Set Traps                   1        Intelligence      -3      CnclWm  48
Storytelling                1        Charisma           0      RdStl   89
Survival                    2        Intelligence       0      PH      63
Taunting                    1        Wisdom             0      CGR2    30
Tightrope Walking           1        Dexterity          0      PH      64
Toxicology                  2        Intelligence      -2      MsqRd   29
Tracking                    2        Wisdom          -6(0)     PH      64
Trailing                    1        Dexterity          0      PHBR2   19
Trail Signs                 1        Intelligence      -1      PHBR11  86
Trick                       1        Wisdom            -2      CnclWm  49
Tumbling                    1        Dexterity          0      PH      64
Ventriloquism               1        Intelligence      -2      PH      64
Zero-Gravity Combat         1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    66

                        # of Slots   Relevant        Check    
Proficiency              Required    Ability        Modifier   Source  Page
Animal Lore                 1        Intelligence       0      PH      56
Arena Acting                1        Charisma          -1      CGR2    29
Armorer                     2        Intelligence      -2      PH      57
Armor Optimization          1        Dexterity         -2      DSBox   46
Awareness                   2        Wisdom             0      AlQ     71
Balance                     1        Dexterity         -2      WrCpt   7
Blind-fighting              2        NA                NA      PH      57
Boarding Pike               1        Dexterity         +2      SJR1    4
Bowyer/Fletcher             1        Dexterity         -1      PH      58
Camouflage                  1        Wisdom             0      PHBR11  82
Charioteering               1        Dexterity         +2      PH      58
Close-quarter Fighting      2        Dexterity          0      PHBR10  93
Demolition                  2        Intelligence      -2      MsqRd   34
Dirty Tricks                1        Wisdom            -2      CGR2    29
Display Weapon Prowess      1        Dexterity          0      AlQ     73
Dueling                     1        Charisma           0      RdStl   85
Endurance                   2        Constitution       0      PH      58
Foraging                    1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR11  84
Gaming                      1        Charisma           0      PH      59
Grappling Hook              1        Dexterity         +1      SJR1    4
Gunnery                     1        Intelligence      -2      HR4     54
Gunsmithing                 2        Intelligence      -3      RdStl   86
Hunting                     1        Wisdom            -1      PH      59
Intimidation                1        Strength/Charisma  0      PHBR6   44
Jousting                    1        Dexterity         +2      CpltPl  74
Law                         1        Wisdom             0      CpltPl  75
Marksmanship                1        NA                NA      MsqRd   37
Martial Arts                1        NA                NA      PHBR1   76
Martial Arts Specialization 1+       NA                NA      PHBR1   77
Military Science            1        Intelligence       0      HR5     33
Military Tactics            2        Intelligence       0      RdStl   88
Mountaineering              1        NA                NA      PH      61
Natural Fighting            2        Strength          +1      PHBR10  96
Navigation                  1        Intelligence      -2      PH      61
Oratory                     1        Charisma           0      CpltPl  75
Punching Specialization     1+       NA                NA      PHBR1   74
Quick Draw                  1        NA                NA      MsqRd   41
Redsmithing                 2        Intelligence       0      RdStl   88
Riding, Horse Specialized   2        Wisdom            +4      AlQ     76
Riding, Camel Specialized   2        Wisdom            +4      AlQ     77
Running                     1        Constitution      -6      PH      63
Sail Manipulation           1        NA                NA      WrCpt   8 
Set Snares                  1        Dexterity         -1      PH      63 
Shield Proficiency          1+       NA                NA      DR127   36 
Space Fighting              2        Intelligence      +1      SJR1    3
Spelunking                  1        Intelligence      -2      PHBR11  85
Style Specialization        1 or 2   NA                NA      PHBR1   61
Survival                    2        Intelligence       0      PH      63
Tactics, Combat             1        Intelligence      -1      CGR2    30
Taunting                    1        Wisdom             0      CGR2    30
Tracking                    2        Wisdom          -6(0)     PH      64
Trail Marking               1        Wisdom             0      PHBR11  85
Trail Signs                 1        Intelligence      -1      PHBR11  86
Trick                       1        Wisdom            -2      CnclWm  49
Veterinary Healing          1        Wisdom            -3      PHBR11  86
Weakness Identification     2        Wisdom            -2      CGR2    30
Weapon Group, Broad         3        NA                NA      PHBR1   59
Weapon Group, Tight         2        NA                NA      PHBR1   58
Weapon Improvisation        1        Wisdom            -1      DSBox   46
Weapon Loader               1        NA                NA      WrCpt   9
Weapon Proficiency, Ship    1        NA                NA      WrCpt   8
Weaponsmithing              3        Intelligence      -3      PH      65
Weaponsmithing, Crude       1        Wisdom            -3      PHBR11  86
Weapon Specialization       1        NA                NA      PH      52
Wheel-Lock Pistol           1        Dexterity         +2      SJR1    4
Wild Fighting               2        Constitution       0      PHBR10  97
Wrestling Specialization    1+       NA                NA      PHBR1   74
Zero-Gravity Combat         1        Intelligence      -2      CGR1    66

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