[MUD-Dev] [Fwd: MUD-Dev]

Nathan F Yospe yospe at hawaii.edu
Mon Apr 6 15:42:46 CEST 1998

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On Mon, 6 Apr 1998, Richard Woolcock wrote:  

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 19:18:35
:Any ideas?  

From: Yaltec <Yaltec at aol.com> -- 
To: KaVir at dial.pipex.com


I found an article you wrote on the MUD-Dev mailing list, and was very
interested in it. Off-hand, do you have any idea how I can subscribe to that
list? My AltaVista searches have drawn a blank so far... 

Sorry to bother you, but many thanks for your time. 

So, how did he get the article in the first place? Did you send it to him?
The details of subscribing (or invitation) are in the FAQ, of course. Ling
maintains it.

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Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 19:18:35 EDT
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I found an article you wrote on the MUD-Dev mailing list, and was very
interested in it. Off-hand, do you have any idea how I can subscribe to that
list? My AltaVista searches have drawn a blank so far...

Sorry to bother you, but many thanks for your time.


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