[MUD-Dev] META: membership

Holly Sommer hsommer at micro.ti.com
Mon Apr 13 10:09:39 CEST 1998

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Ben Greear wrote:

> > >Is Holly on here?  She has been around for years and remained
> > >relatively sane :)

It is slowly slipping away. Maybe refuge and a place to speak on 
meaningful topics w/o degenerating into flames will help. I hope so.

> > Nope.  She's knew to me.  If you think she'd be a good list member, then
> > invite her!

JC: I've seen your sig a few times. Mostly, my past posting habits have 
seen me nesting in rgmd... but the newsfeed I have at work allows me to
infiltrate rgma alot more frequently now, too :)

> Holly, I've seen your posts on RGMA and am extending an invitation to
> join the mud-dev mailing list.  Its a private list, and we keep it
> very high signal to noise.  Personal attacks are not welcome, but you
> wouldn't be seeing this from me if I thought you would...

Not in public. Private email is another matter :) For the record, I 
regard listservs as public, to this matter.

> You've got a point, but I think that even just CC'ing this group's
> posts to RGMA might offer those who are looking for it a glimpse
> of civility and thought that they otherwise would not find.  AFAIK 
> RGMD and RGMA spawned many of us, I know it did me.
> I'm not suggesting that we allow losers to post here as they wish
> however, they should have to pass some kind of minimal decency test :P
> I still think it would be a shame to allow RGM* to die though..although
> I am at a loss as to how to save them from themselves...

My thoughts on this...

Actually, I am part of a very old listserv which sprang into existence 
from our familiarity with each other on a newsgroup. Said newsgroup 
(alt.society.generation-x) went through some really REALLY bad periods, 
but, it prevailed. 

For awhile there was much teeth gnashing and wailing over the state of 
the "sooper sekrit listserv what gets elitist" and whether this would 
mark the end of asg-x. *snort* No, Usenet lives on. asg-x and rgm.* are 
high-volume newsgroups, even if the quality of content might not always 
agree with the more civilized and mindful members of the newsgroups.

I'll be the first one to admit that the content of a choice few folks on 
rgmd and rgma drive me straight up the wall, and that it's a test of my 
patience to not blurt out something dumb like "shut the &%($ up." But... 
that's par for the course, wrt Usenet anymore.

Something like this listserv is good, because it allows those of us who 
wish to keep on-topic, remain civil, exchange information, debate (not to 
be confused with "argue"), etc., to do so. And, what's more, it's 
delivered to our Very Own Email Box :) No news feeds and their 
barnacle-like accompanying spam to deal with.

As for posting some things from this serv to Usenet... well, based on 
past experience in similar situations, I'm not sure that's a good idea. 
Some people will feel indignant - "hey, how come I've not been invited!? 
*stamp* *pout* *scream*". Others will cry elitism - which, even if it is 
true, doesn't bode well with the general (usenet) public. I view it as a 
slight tease, but that's just MO, and I obviously have no moral qualms 
about being a member of a... more selective group of conversationlists :)

So... thanks for the invite :) I'm looking forward to the discussions 
here. If anyone else is unfamiliar with me, I would be glad to provide a 
little background (to the whole serv, if that's acceptable, or to 
individual queries), just to let y'all know where I'm coming from.


PS: the obvious allusion to /dev/null is good for some laughs :)

Holly J. Sommer                           Email: hsommer at micro.ti.com
Texas Instruments                         Voice:         281.274.3675
SES Training Coordinator                  Pager:         713.990.1574
Stafford, Texas                             IMS:                 HJSO

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