[MUD-Dev] Re: Java for Mud Client (Crossfire MUD topic)

Joel Dillon emily at cornholio.new.ox.ac.uk
Mon Apr 27 11:24:42 CEST 1998

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, Justin McKinnerney wrote:

> >
> >   Well, at work we handle persistence in applets by passing them their
> > identity (the name of their user or whatever) via an applet parameter and
> > sucking data from a server over a socket or jdbc connection. That's good
> > enough for our virtual conferencing system and presumably it'd be good
> > enough for a mud client as well.
> >
> > 	Jo
> The issue was download time for graphics in the java client if it were
> applet based - so the persistance required here is local storage of applet
> data so a user doesn't have to download it every time.

  Ah *bopme* Perhaps one way (not a very nice way) would be to encode the
data as constants in the class files. That way the browser would cache
them for you; but you wouldn't want to do that for large amounts of data.
run into problems with older browsers.


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