[MUD-Dev] Re: [IDEAS] Starting from scratch

Holly Sommer hsommer at micro.ti.com
Thu Aug 6 12:00:34 CEST 1998

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, T. Alexander Popiel wrote:

> I guess I have higher standards for portability; I support many flavors
> of unix (including Linux, BSDi, AIX, SunOS, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, and ULTRIX),
> as well as Windows95, WindowsNT, OS/2, and Macintosh.
> Notably, the Windows ports have to deal with a non-POSIX universe, since
> in the POSIX environs for Windows, you can't access things like the
> Service Manager...
> I don't think we got the live reboot thang to work under Mac, either,
> but I'm not sure, having not touched that directly.

Is this a commercial venture? I mean... why the need to work on all
those different platforms?


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