[MUD-Dev] Re: ADMIN: Advertising on MUD-Dev

quzah quzah at geocities.com
Mon Aug 10 01:56:56 CEST 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: J C Lawrence <claw at kanga.nu>
To: mud-dev at kanga.nu <mud-dev at kanga.nu>
Date: Sunday, August 09, 1998 12:28 PM
Subject: [MUD-Dev] Re: ADMIN: Advertising on MUD-Dev 

>Another point to observe is the norming force this list and its
>membership can enforce.  Back when John Bertoglio posted in a format
>at odds with the list rules (I don't recall the specifics).  I, and a
>few others sent him polite notes suggesting that a different format
>would be more acceptable.  John changed his posting format poste
>haste, and later observed to the list that the sheer and unstated
>possibility of censure or exclusion from the list (he had been a
>member for merely a few days) was a powerful and compelling motivating
>force that sent him scrambling to comply (I hope I'm not overstating

Something akin to my first post. (Noone except JC ever saw it, and I
rewrote it 3 times trying to get it formatted correctly, just so I
could post it. ;) I never did get it formatted correctly, so I ended
up not ever posting it. I think I still have a copy of it, but by
now the thread is long gone I think. :)

>Moving closer to present time, a recent subscriber originally
>subscribed with a Yahoo email account (which is what bought this area
>back to my attention).  When he noticed my concerns on advertising on
>the list he immediately resubscribed with a non-advertising account.
>He admits that the yahoo account is preferable to him for MUD-Dev, but
>that the value of the list itself far outweighs the cost of using
>other mail services he already has available.

Heh, this I did also. Not Yahoo, but "Mail City" -- they post a blurb
about "Get free web based email!" or some such in every letter you
send. I actually didn't switch to this address at the time for the
sole reason of their adds, (I was only reading then, and not posting)
it was actually because they were so very slow. (It took about two
minutes to load one piece of email, and when I first got on the list
I recieved 64 pieces of list mail!) Now I never use said account,
because of the adds. I just think it looks really odd to have 
signed my small signature "-Q-" and then end up with an add after

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