[MUD-Dev] Elven Language List
J C Lawrence
claw at under.engr.sgi.com
Wed Jul 1 14:23:57 CEST 1998
It appears that elves live among us in considerable number.
The following may be useful for those putting elves in MUDs:
Elven Language List
Note: This is not a comprehensive dictionary. Some of these
words have no direct translation into English, and are
General Notes:
1. The suffix of "ai" as in Des'tai implies a state of being that lasts
2. The suffix "ar" as in "senar" implies a state of being that is
in the present, and temporary.
3. There is no specific verb which meant "to be".
4. There are no specific pronouns for he, she, etc.
These things are implied.
a = used primarily in Aelfheim
t = used primarily in the Tir
* = Used all over
Elven English
Adrastai Scouts -- A note on the Adrastai...though technically
scouts, I tend to associate them more with knights,
viz-a-viz King Arthur, et al, due to their extreme loyalty
and dedication to the crown, than I do with any sort of
ranger archetype... [Tal Leonan] (Origin - a)
Aidan From the Gaelic, "little flame" (Origin - *)
A'Laena Sar Until we meet again (Origin - a)
Allien Those who are bodily (Origin - a)
Aqofeltu Forgetfulness (Origin - the Silver Elves)
Araste Makatar ? (Origin - a)
Arianai You're wicked ;) (Origin - a)
Arias'tama Bad Ass (Origin - t)
Ashan'rai Son of the High King (Origin - a)
Ashtae The Area Around. Between. In the Area of (Origin - a)
Aut, Yanna Oh My nads (female are desirous (Origin - a)
Barith Seas of Chance (Origin - a)
Basan Sorrow (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Ceshtanen Erased completely (Origin - a)
Chairen A group of individuals working in concert, either through
a Draelren or more conventional methods, to heal an
individual (Origin - a)
Chev Suffix meaning "beloved," used to refer to lifemates (Origin - t)
Daia Dadu Da ? (Origin - a)
Deea Canayen ? (Origin - a)
Den'shrai Thank you for help. It is connected with
Des'tai, and has the connotation of "thank you
for helping me on my path". (Origin - Bluesilver)
Der Soul (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Derzorvadur Soul infusion (Origin - The Silver Elves)
(desh-er-en) Well met, connotation of Des'tai
(Origin - Bluesilver)
Desh'nerain Brother (Origin - t)
Desh'iriai Sister (Origin - t)
Desh'ketai (Origin - t)
Desh'mieve Mother (Origin - t)
Desh'miriai Guardian, bodyguard of a household (Origin - t)
Des'tai Honorable/Walking one's path (Origin - a)
Deyash nek'tai Walk with me (Origin - a)
Dorai Love/duty to loved ones (Origin - a)
Doulgen'ra A Draelren with the intent of traveling to a specific
location, or of exploring. (Origin - a)
Drachlond "Rocky/austere land" - Listarii home (Origin - a)
Draelond "Deep Harbor" (Origin - a)
Draelren The process of entering the spirit realm as part of a
Draels'tai (Origin - a)
Draels'tai A group of individuals entering the spirit realm in concert
(Origin - a)
Ea The All, The Creator (See Iri'A) (Origin - a)
Eisha'miai Some sort of elven spirit-sickness, not
quite sure here (Origin - t)
Elen Although Tolkein translates this as "elf/of the stars",
it is in our tongue "elf and friend".(Origin - a)
Elia Soul or Spirit; Can also be a proper name (Origin - t)
Eliai'iriai Soul-sister (Origin - t)
Eliai'nerain Soul-brother (Origin - t)
Eluana Female name (Origin - a)
Elvaleryn Physical Immortality (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Enaerson "Right there" - sexual connotation (Origin - a)
Enrai High King -- A literal translation would be "The
first one", as in the first among equals. Note: Words
like Enrai, that are short, often imply a great many things
that would take up a few paragraphs in English, and even
then you have to have an elven mindset with all the
linked ideas to the word to get it. In other words, do not
let the apparent simplicity of the definitions mislead you. (Origin - a)
Enta You hear me (Origin - a)
Ereiash'demaa Badass (Origin - t)
Ereiash'demaa Bad Ass to the High King (You're too late! This Title
na Enrai is already claimed by Robin...) (Origin - t)
Eren'rai Daughter of the King (Origin - a)
Eshai'du Colloquially "dumbass;" more likely "ignorant" (Origin - t)
Esiai'desh' A noble bodyguard (Origin t)
Evrantilen Oath-sworn, (noun, plural) (Origin - a)
Farth Fae -- used to mean all otherkind
(fairth) (Origin - The Silver Elves)
(fail-la-dare) A sense of something impending.... either
something about to happen or something that
needs to be done. (Origin - SE)
(Fee-ace) Love or like of an inanimate object, as I really
love that car or movie (Origin - SE)
(feel-n) A love that elves have particularly for other
elves or things elfin and this perhaps is closest
to what you mean by Elven Love.
(Origin - SE )
Ford Love of a soul mate or best friend or family
(Origin - SE)
Fylorn The word for empathy (Origin SE)
Gieran Beloved brother (said as Geahren has a bitter connotation) (Origin - a)
Gil-Enrai Champion of the King (Origin - a)
Hae Hanae-Sa See the way (Origin a)
Halae-Han Walk the water (Origin a)
hanie-ho-so Singer of the way (Origin a)
Hole Asin Child of the Fae - Fae child (Origin a)
Iri'A The One Force; the creative force behind all things, very
much akin to the Force in the Star Wars trilogy (Origin - t)
Iriv'teshai War-companion; The equivalent of the mortal term "buddy"
in Vietnam (Origin - t)
Ishmaen ? (Origin - a)
(jay-lair) Divine love or a feeling of oneness or unity
with all (Origin - SE)
Janda'hai Round-Ears (humans) (Origin - ?)
Jiach'ar A Draelren with the attent of striking at an individual,
spirit or magical construct (Origin - a)
Kai' Female honorific prefix to a given name (Kai'Laria) (Origin - t)
Kaleanae Watcher (Origin - a)
Katamah! ? (Origin - a)
Katar No Idea, Don't know at all (Origin - a)
Katinar Proper name meaning "kitten". (Origin - t)
Ke' Male honorific prefix to a given name (Ke'Ninaste,
for instance) (Origin - t)
Keh? What? (Origin - a)
Kieran Beloved sister (Origin - a)
Ki'Liana Female name. The "Ki" part means spirit fury.
Leana means something like "dedicated or in
service to". Ki'Leana could then mean something
like "Dedicated to spirit fury". (Origin - a)
Kiyana An angry exclamation word ... something
to do with expressing spirit fury. (Origin - Nanine)
Kimen Yahae ? (Origin - a)
Kir' Male honorific prefix to a given name beginning with a vowel
(Kir'Aidan) (Origin - t)
Kiran a'Llyra From/of the Soul (Origin - a)
Kitathas Short form of "Wind of Spirit Fury" (Origin - a)
Kyela Love (Origin - the Silver Elves)
Laere-Tere Valley in the Northern Forests, with lots of
Tellle running water and a heavy canopy of trees. (Origin - a)
Leana Sar You see the walls of True (Origin - a)
Leire Proper name, "she who stands at the border of dawn" (Origin -*)
Lenae Senecar Yes, we are walking the land of the shadows or the
moon; She who walks the plain of the shadows; See
into the walking path of the worlds... (Origin - a)
Liana female name meaning "in service/dedicated to".
(Origin - a)
Liana' Senai I desire you forever, Leeana (Origin - a)
Liana' Senar I desire you right now, Leeana (Origin - a)
Liktai Na This situation is alien (Origin - a)
Lik'tai Nar This situation is so alien I do not know
Senek'tar where "here" is. (Origin - a)
Lineat Song of the "Pathers" (Those who walk the Path)
(Origin - a)
Mileana Tar You are thanked. Thank You; Your soul rules the
lands of spires. (Origin - a)
Narwa Remember (Origin - The Silver Elves)
(nair-win) The sense that we have that denotes truth or
falsity or the right direction to go in
(Origin - SE)
Negeth Is not -- For those of you familiar with FASA's Battle
Tech universe, this is used similarly to the Clans' quiaff
and quineg, that is, to end a sentence with a question of
either affirmation or negation... [Tal] (Origin - a)
Nehatah Brain Lock (Origin - a)
Nesh'tirai Otherkin shapeshifters; large and furry in their
normal forms, can pass for elven (jokingly
referred to in English as "Wookies") (Origin - t)
Netherai Literally, "She who is not" It was the nickname
for a certain young elf with a propensity for telling others
what she was not... (Origin - a)
'Nieve Suffix meaning "lover," used to refer to lovers who are
not lifemates. (Origin - t)
Ninaste Proper name meaning "master of wonders" or
"Leader of the Hunt" (Origin - t)
terestai Go back to the trees; Perjorative used in Shain Cemar
(there are no trees in the city, and the rules there are a lot
different from standard society) (Origin - t)
Nish Variation of or root of Nis'tai, indicating off, or strayed.
May indicate "far from" (Origin - a)
Nis'tai Dishonorable/Off one's path; Far from what should
always be. (Origin - a)
Nis'tar When thinking about actions which are not Des'tai,
it does not always seem quite right to say they are Nis'tai
because "ai" implies everlasting. There is a form of this
word, Nis'tar, which implies a temporary, or single,
incident that is not Des'tai. (Origin - a)
Noralyn Continuity of consciousness from one life to
another (Origin - the Silver Elves)
Oforfamar Leadership (Origin - the Silver Elves)
Pira Prefix meaning "little" (Origin - t)
(roll-lyn) The healing light that we can radiate
(Origin - SE)
Serae Senar I will inspire your greatest desire, I desire you
(speakerSaikatar male) I will be and fulfill your desire (Origin - a)
Saikatar I will be and fulfill your desire of me (as male)
(Origin - a)
Sainar I desire you (the speaker wishes to be male) (Origin - a)
(Say-oon-l-di) Otherkin -- This word is composed of the words
Other and Kin... (Origin -- The Silver Elves)
Satar You look here (angry/annoyed connotation)
(Origin - a)
Se'leana Female name meaining "In service to you (general
you)" (Origin - a)
Senar I desire you (the speaker wishes to be female) (Origin - a)
Seneer Variation of Senar: I desire you (speaker wishes to
be female) (Origin - a)
Serae I will arouse your desire (Origin - a)
Note of explanation:Due to our ability to shift sexes,
we would commonly open up a romantic interlude
by stating our desire and which sex we wanted to start with.
Shaeyata Specific style of warrior honor (Origin - a)
Shain Cemar Border Town in Tir (Origin - t)
Shalva The word that best encompasses the concept of sorrow for someone
(Shale-va) other than one s'elf .
Sheltleth Dark in nature/unseelie (Origin - a)
Shema'shestai A phase in elven life corresponding to the mid-20s
of mortal life (Origin - t)
Shi''ria na My friend's Old name
(Origin - Bluesilver)
Sh'mai Beloved of my soul (Origin - a)
(show-l, Elven breath for the healing or ensouling or
shoal) awakening breath
Sirc The word that elves called themselves in the 1st & 2nd
cycles (Origin - a)
Laena Sa! Hey, you walk there, "by the singing soul"; I see
the way of walking, see, so see the soul of my way.
(Origin - a)
Ta Yes, I get it (Origin - a)
Taia I hear you (Origin - a)
Talauntain Enlightened (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Ta'na Ahlay Walk in Light that is like Water (Origin - ?)
Tanaii A Path; a path one chooses, not respective of
whether said path is Des'tai or Nis'tai. It does not
imply the rightness or wrongness of the path, merely
the existance of the path. (Origin - t)
Tanaii-ka This is the path of one's Soul, when the path chooses
one instead of one choosing the path. Probably not
too far from des'tai in meaning but Tanaii-ka refers
to action, or to the overall duty one has for one's life
as opposed to any one portion of it. For example,
choosing to be a hunter is my Tanaii, my path. But
being of the Wild Hunt and honoring the things we
honor, and doing what we must to, that is my
Tanaii-ka, that which has chosen me. When I was
given my Hunt Name to honor my particular Talents,
that name was the embodiment of my Tanaii-Ka. It is
possible, however, for one's Tanaii-ka to be either
Des'tai or Nis'tai, depending on the things one has
chosen to do. If I had used my talents and gifts to
destroy, to take power, to harm, then the path I am
on would would still be Tanaii-ka but it would be
Nis'tai, a thing of wrongness and destruction.
(Origin - t)
Tashae [You] hear me (Origin - a)
Tashen Pay close attention, important (Origin - a)
Telpareon Far Memory (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Teremai Compassionate (Origin - t)
Terestai The forest that will ever be (Origin - a)
Teshmeeat ? (Origin - a)
Tihr a' Lahn Walk/Dance in Light (Origin - ?)
T'negeth Isn't it -- For those of you familiar with FASA's Battle
Tech universe, this is used similarly to the Clans' quiaff
and quineg, that is, to end a sentence with a
question of either affirmation or negation.. (Origin - a)
Unasae Don't quit/give in (Origin - a)
Vasata Awaken (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Yanna Female nads (Origin - a)
Zelsatu Consciousness (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Zorvain Infused (Origin - The Silver Elves)
Contributors to the Word List: Sileniel, Wildcard, Rialian, Tal
Leonan, Nalissi, and the Silver Elves
J C Lawrence Internet: claw at null.net
(Contractor) Internet: coder at ibm.net
---------(*) Internet: claw at under.engr.sgi.com
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...
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