[MUD-Dev] Re: Mud websites

Chris Gray cg at ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
Tue Jul 14 19:27:21 CEST 1998

[Matt Chatterley:]

 >Brings up a mildly interesting point on UIs - assuming that it is entirely key
 >controlled (thats not important at this point); by how much do you function on
 >memory, ie, to what extent would you be confused if your UI changed while you
 >I'm currently investigating a project whereby the client would 'represent' the
 >character in some way (for instance, if you pick up a hand-held scanning unit,
 >a scanner window appears on your desktop while you are using it), and so on.
 >This seems to have some ups, and some downs - on the up side, this 'literal'
 >representation of equipment, and equipment management allows a very detailed UI
 >(the game is probably going to be graphical in nature), but on the down side,
 >it does mean that the UI changes based on what you are actually using (or
 >doing), which could potentially be VERY confusing..

If the change in UI is immediately visible, and is typically in
response to an explicit action by the user, I don't see a problem. That
happens all the time as we use our computers. If everything is clear,
and the user's basic interface is still there "in the background", then
it shouldn't be too confusing.

I think the UI gurus say that a UI should be consistent. They don't
say it should be fixed and unchanging, just consistent. This applies
more to graphical UI's than keystroke ones. With a keystroke one,
I don't like existing keystrokes changing, but I don't think I'd mind
new ones appearing.

Chris Gray     cg at ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA

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