[MUD-Dev] Re: Ansii color, needing some specs and or pointers.
J C Lawrence
claw at under.engr.sgi.com
Tue Jul 28 10:28:02 CEST 1998
On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 21:18:19 -0700 (MST)
Ben Greear<greear at cyberhighway.net> wrote:
> The players keep yelping at me to provide some ansi color, but I'm
> clueless on the art, so I thought I'd see if any of you had any
> pointers? Surely I'm not the only one to be faced with this
> scourge!
A partial VT220 table (now if only I could find my original DEC VT220
CSI=9B or 1B 4D depending on mode
CSI 32 68 = Lock keyboard CSI 32 6C = Unlock keyboard
CSI 34 68 = Enter insert mode CSI 34 6C = Leave insert mode
CSI 31 32 6C = Local echo CSI 31 32 68 = Nolocal echo
CSI 32 32 68 = Received CR = CR/LF CSI 32 30 6C = Received CR = NL
CSI 3F 31 68 = Appl. Cursor keys CSI 3F 31 6C = ANSI Curson keys
CSI 3F 33 68 = 132 Column mode CSI 3F 33 6C = 80 Column mode
CSI 3F 34 68 = Smooth Scroll CSI 3F 34 6C = Jump Scroll
CSI 3F 35 68 = Reverse Video CSI 3F 34 6C = Normal video
CSI 3F 37 68 = Auto Wrap CSI 3F 37 6C = No Auto Wrap
CSI 3F 38 68 = Auto repeat CSI 3F 38 6C = No Auto Repeat
CSI 3F 31 38 68 = FF at end of copy CSI 3F 31 38 6C = No FF at end of copy
CSI 3F 31 39 68 = Print full page CSI 3F 31 39 6C = Print scroll region
CSI Pt* 3B Pb* 72 = Scroll from Pt* to Pb* only
CSI 3F 36 68 = Set origin mode (Cursor restricted to scroll region)
CSI 3F 36 6C = Reset origin mode
CSI 3F 32 35 68 = Visable cursor CSI 3F 32 35 6C = Hidden cursor
CSI Pn* 44 = Move Pn* back CSI Pl* 3B Pc* 48 = Move to Pl* Pc*
CSI Pl* 3B Pc* 66 = Move to Pl*, Pc* relative to scroll region/origin mode
CSI Ps* 6D = Highlighting, Ps* = 1 Bold, 4 Underline, 5 Blink, 7
CSI Pn* 4C = Insert line CSI Pn* 4D = Delete line
CSI Pn* 40 = Insert Pn* characters CSI Pn* 50 = Delete Pn* characters
CSI Pn* 58 = Erase Pn* caracters
CSI 4B or CSI 30 4B = Erase in line (Cursor to EOL)
CSI 31 4B = Erase from begining of line to cursor
CSI 32 4B = Erase entire line
CSI 4A or CSI 30 4A = Erase to end of page
CSI 31 4A = Erase from beginig of page to cursor
CSI 31 4A = Entire page
Cursor Locate: <Esc>[#;#H
The first number specifies the row to go
to, and the second specifies the column.
If both numbers are left out, the cursor
goes to the home position.
Cursor Up: <Esc>[#A
The number specifies the number of rows.
If the number is omitted, the cursor is
moved up by only one row.
Cursor Down: <Esc>[#B
The number specifies the number of rows.
If the number is absent, the cursor moves
down by only one row.
Cursor Foward: <Esc>[#C
The number specifies how many columns to
advacne, but will not go past column 80.
If the number is left out, the cursor
advances by one column.
Cursor Backward: <Esc>[#D
The number indicates how many columns to
go backward, but will not wrap around
before column 1. If the number is
omitted, the cursor moves one column.
Cursor Save: <Esc>[s
This causes the current row and column to
be saved in memory.
Cursor Restore: <Esc>[u
This locates the cursor at the position
it was when the most recent Cursor Save
command was used.
Clear Screen: <Esc>[2J
This command clears the entire screen,
and places the cursor at Row 1, Column 1.
Clear Line: <Esc>[k
This causes the current line to be
cleared from the current cursor position
to the end. The character at the cursor
position is also cleared.
Set Colors: <Esc>[#m or <Esc>[#;#m or <Esc>[#;#;#m
The number of parameters may vary, and
their meaning is as follows:
0 restore colors to white on black
1 high intensity
4 underscore on (monochrome only)
5 blink on
7 inverse video on
8 invisible on
30 Black foreground
31 Red foreground
32 Green foreground
33 Yellow foreground
34 Blue foreground
35 Magenta foreground
36 Cyan foreground
37 White foreground
40 Black backround
41 Red backround
42 Green backround
43 Yellow backround
44 Blue backround
45 Magenta backround
46 Cyan backround
47 White backround
Set screen mode: <Esc>[=#h
The number indicates which video mode is
to be activated, using these choices:
0 40 x 25 black & white text
1 40 x 25 color text
2 80 x 25 black & white text
3 80 x 25 color text
4 320 x 200 color graphics
5 320 x 200 black & white graphics
6 640 x 200 black & white graphics
7 cause character wrap at end of line
Reset screen mode: <Esc>[#I
Same as Set mode commands, except that
parameter 7 disables character wrap,
causing any characters that continue
beyond the end of the line to be ignored.
The general form of this command is:
Where the first number indicates which
key is being re-assigned, and the second
indicates what it is to be replaced with.
Both numbers are specified using their
ASCII codes.
Replace a single key with a string of characters:
<Esc>[#;"Your message here"p
Both string literals and ASCII code numbers may be freely
intermixed, for example to include a carriage return:
<Esc>[#;"Another silly message";13p
Extended keys are represented by two numbers--the first is
always 0, and the second is the key's scan code:
<Esc>[0;68;"F10 types this message"p
And finally for VT102:
Many people ask for this information so here is a list of the vt102 codes
that I grabbed offf the network months ago,... the orginal poster
was <kivinen#hut,fi>
Escape codes for vt102 terminal. <kivinen#hut,fi>
All numbers below are octal.<n> means numeric value,<c> means character string.
If <n> is missing it is 0 or in cursor movements 1.
Reset and set modes
Set Modes
Esc [ <c> ; ... ; <c> h
033 133 073 073 150
Reset Modes
Esc [ <c> ; ... ; <c> l
033 133 073 073 154
Where <c> is
'2'= Lock keyboard (set); Unlock keyboard (reset)
'4'= Insert mode (set); Replace mode (reset)
'12'= Echo on (set); Echo off (reset)
'20'= Return = CR+LF (set); Return = CR (reset)
'?1'= Cursorkeys application (set); Cursorkeys normal (reset)
'?2'= Ansi (set); VT52 (reset)
'?3'= 132 char/row (set); 80 char/row (reset)
'?4'= Jump scroll (set); Smooth scroll (reset)
'?5'= Reverse screen (set); Normal screen (reset)
'?6'= Sets relative coordinates (set); Sets absolute coordinates (reset)
'?7'= Auto wrap (set); Auto wrap off (reset)
'?8'= Auto repeat on (set); Auto repeat off (reset)
'?18'= Send FF to printer after print screen (set); No char after PS (reset)
'?19'= Print screen prints full screen (set); PS prints scroll region (reset)
'?25'= Cursor on (set); Cursor off (reset)
Set scrolling region (n1=upper,n2=lower)
Esc [ <n1> ; <n2> r
033 133 073 162
Cursor movement (<n>=how many chars or lines), cursor stop at margin.
Esc [ <n> A
033 133 101
Esc [ <n> B
033 133 102
Esc [ <n> C
033 133 103
Esc [ n D
033 133 104
Cursor position (<n1>=y,<n2>=x, from top of screen or scroll region)
Esc [ <n1> ; <n2> H
033 133 073 110
Or Esc [ <n1> ; <n2> f
033 133 073 146
Index (cursor down with scroll up when at margin)
Esc D
033 104
Reverse index (cursor up with scroll down when at margin)
Esc M
033 115
Next line (CR+Index)
Esc E
033 105
Save cursor and attribute
Esc 7
033 067
Restore cursor and attribute
Esc 8
033 070
Keybad character selection
Application keypad mode
Esc =
033 075
Numeric keypad mode
Esc >
033 076
Keypadkeys codes generated
Numeric Application VT52 Application
0 0 (060) Esc O p (033 117 160) Esc ? p (033 077 160)
1 1 (061) Esc O q (033 117 161) Esc ? q (033 077 161)
2 2 (062) Esc O r (033 117 162) Esc ? r (033 077 162)
3 3 (063) Esc O s (033 117 163) Esc ? s (033 077 163)
4 4 (064) Esc O t (033 117 164) Esc ? t (033 077 164)
5 5 (065) Esc O u (033 117 165) Esc ? u (033 077 165)
6 6 (066) Esc O v (033 117 166) Esc ? v (033 077 166)
7 7 (067) Esc O w (033 117 167) Esc ? w (033 077 167)
8 8 (070) Esc O x (033 117 170) Esc ? x (033 077 170)
9 9 (071) Esc O y (033 117 171) Esc ? y (033 077 171)
- (minus) - (055) Esc O m (033 117 155) Esc ? m (033 077 155)
, (comma) , (054) Esc O l (033 117 154) Esc ? l (033 077 154)
. (period) . (056) Esc O n (033 117 156) Esc ? n (033 077 156)
Enter CR (015)* Esc O M (033 117 115) Esc ? M (033 077 115)
PF1 Esc O P Esc O P (033 117 120) Esc P (033 120)
PF2 Esc O Q Esc O Q (033 117 121) Esc Q (033 121)
PF3 Esc O R Esc O R (033 117 122) Esc R (033 122)
PF4 Esc O S Esc O S (033 117 123) Esc S (033 123)
* Or CR+LF (015 012)
Cursorkeys codes generated (changed by set and reset modes '?1')
normal application
Up Esc [ A Esc O A
033 133 101 033 117 101
Down Esc [ B Esc O B
033 133 102 033 117 102
Right Esc [ C Esc O C
033 133 103 033 117 103
Left Esc [ D Esc O D
033 133 104 033 117 104
Select chaacter set
UK as G0
Esc ( A
033 050 101
US as G0
Esc ( B
033 050 102
Special characters and line drawing character set as G0
Esc ( 0
033 050 060
Alternate ROM as G0
Esc ( 1
033 050 061
Alternate ROM special characters character set as G0
Esc ( 2
033 050 062
UK as G1
Esc ) A
033 051 101
US as G1
Esc ) B
033 051 102
Special characters and line drawing character set as G1
Esc ) 0
033 051 060
Alternate ROM as G1
Esc ) 1
033 051 061
Alternate ROM special characters character set as G1
Esc ) 2
033 051 062
Selects G2 for one character
Esc N
033 115
Selects G3 for one character
Esc O
033 117
Set graphic rendition
Esc [ <n> ; <n> m
033 133 073 156
Where <n> is
0 = Turn off attributes
1 = Bold (Full)
2 = Half
4 = Underline
5 = Blink
7 = Reverse
21 = Normal intensity
22 = Normal intensity
24 = Cancel underlined
25 = Cancel blinking
27 = Cancel reverse
Tab stops
Set horizontal tab
Esc H
033 110
Clear horizontal tab
Esc [ g
033 133 147
Or Esc [ 0 g
033 133 060 147
Clear all horizontal tabs
Esc [ 3 g
033 133 063 147
Line attributes
Top half
Esc # 3
033 043 063
Bottom half
Esc # 4
033 043 064
Single-width, single-height
Esc # 5
033 043 065
Esc # 6
033 043 066
Erase in line
End of line (including cursor position)
Esc [ K
033 133 113
Or Esc [ 0 K
033 133 060 113
Beginning of line (including cursor position)
Esc [ 1 K
033 133 061 113
Complete line
Esc [ 2 K
033 133 062 113
Erase in display
End of screen (including cursor position)
Esc [ J
033 133 112
Or Esc [ 0 J
033 133 060 112
Beginning of screen (including cursor position)
Esc [ 1 J
033 133 061 112
Complete display
Esc [ 2 J
033 133 062 112
Computer editing
Delete characters (<n> characters right from cursor
Esc [ <n> P
033 133 120
Inser line (<n> lines)
Esc [ <n> L
033 133 114
Delete line (<n> lines)
Esc [ <n> M
033 133 115
Esc [ <c> i
033 133 151
Where <c> is
''= Same as '0'
'0'= Prints screen (full or scroll region)
'4'= Printer controller off
'5'= Printer controller on (Print all received chars to printer)
'?1'= Print cursor line
'?4'= Auto print off
'?5'= Auto print on (Prints line to printer when you exit from it)
Device status
Esc [ <c> n
033 133 156
Where <c> is
'0'=Response Ready, no malfunctions detected
'3'=Malfunction, error in self-test.
'5'=Status report request
'6'=Request cursor position.
'?10'=Response to printer status request, All ok.
'?11'=Response to printer status request, Printer is not ready.
'?13'=Response to printer status request, No printer.
'?15'=Status report request from printer
Cursor position raport (Response to request cursor position)
Esc [ <n1> ; <n2> R
033 133 073 122
Request terminal to identify itself (esc Z may not be supported in future)
Esc [ c
033 133 143
Esc [ 0 c
033 133 060 143
Esc Z
033 132
Response to terminal identify (VT102)
Esc [ ? 6 c
033 133 077 066 143
Reset to initial state
Esc c
033 143
Invoke confidence test
Esc [ 2 ; <n> y
033 133 062 073 171
Where <n> is
'1'= Power-up test
'2'= Data loopback test
'4'= EIA loopback test
'9'= Power-up tests (continuously)
'10'= Data loopback tests (continuously)
'12'= EIA loopback tests (continuously)
'16'= Printer loopback test
'24'= Printer loopback tests (continuously)
Screen adjustments
Esc # 8
033 043 070
Keyboard indicator
Led L1 off
Esc [ 0 q
033 133 060 181
Led L1 on
Esc [ 1 q
033 133 061 181
VT52 sequences
Ansi mode
Esc <
033 074
Cursor positioning
Up Esc A
033 101
Down Esc B
033 102
Right Esc C
033 103
Left Esc D
033 104
Home Esc H
033 110
Direct cursor address
Esc Y <line+040> <columns+040>
033 131
Reverse linefeed Esc I
033 111
Erase to end of line Esc K
033 113
Erase to end of screen Esc J
033 112
Auto print on Esc ^
033 136
Auto print off Esc
033 137
Printer controller on Esc W
033 127
Printer controller off Esc X
033 130
Print cursor line Esc V
033 135
Print screen Esc ]
033 135
Indentify request Esc Z
033 132
Response to indetify Esc / Z
request (VT52) 033 057 132
Special charset (same Esc F
as line draw in VT102 033 106
Normal char set Esc G
033 107
Control characters
000 = Null (fill character)
003 = ETX (Can be selected half-duplex turnaround char)
004 = EOT (Can be turnaround or disconnect char, if turn, then DLE-EOT=disc.)
005 = ENQ (Transmits answerback message)
007 = BEL (Generates bell tone)
010 = BS (Moves cursor left)
011 = HT (Moves cursor to next tab)
012 = LF (Linefeed or New line operation)
013 = VT (Processed as LF)
014 = FF (Processed as LF, can be selected turnaround char)
015 = CR (Moves cursor to left margin, can be turnaround char)
016 = SO (Selects G1 charset)
017 = SI (Selects G0 charset)
021 = DC1 (XON, causes terminal to continue transmit)
023 = DC3 (XOFF, causes terminal to stop transmitting)
030 = CAN (Cancels escape sequence)
032 = SUB (Processed as CAN)
033 = ESC (Processed as sequence indicator)
J C Lawrence Internet: claw at null.net
(Contractor) Internet: coder at ibm.net
---------(*) Internet: claw at under.engr.sgi.com
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...
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