[MUD-Dev] Java and Javascript

Alex Oren alexo at bigfoot.com
Sun Mar 1 10:52:28 CET 1998

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998 00:03:41 PST8PDT, Caliban Tiresias Darklock wrote:

} On 08:41 PM 2/26/98 +0000, I personally witnessed Jon A. Lambert jumping up
} to say:
} >
} >Typically you
} >open up a COBOL source file to maintain, find it was created circa 
} >1970-ish, and 50 different hands have touched and mangled it all with
} >their own unique style of coding.  Generally speaking, it makes most 
} >mud code look well-written. :)
} On the other hand, you could *read* COBOL. You didn't have monstrosities
} like...
} a=c.split('&'); for(i=0;i<a.length;i++) { a[i]=a[i].split(':');
} this[a[i][0]]=unescape(a[i][1]); }
} Not too terribly complex if you know C++, but you get the idea. ;)


You can write FORTRAN code in any programming language.

Have fun,

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