[MUD-Dev] Re: Inheritance model (was Re: PDMud thread summary)
Cynbe ru Taren
cynbe at muq.org
Mon Oct 26 21:05:13 CET 1998
"Bruce Mitchener, Jr." <bruce at puremagic.com> writes:
| Someone from the MOO community has a paper on what he calls 'parameterized
| inheritance'.
| http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/papers/mixins.ps is the paper.
| His home pages are http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/ and
| http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/ ... You may know of him already
| from his game programming pages.
Two comments:
1) Pointers like the above are wonderful, and materially decrease my ignorance.
Thanks to everyone posting them from time to time. More! More! :)
2) mixins.ps is particularly interesting. I've suspected for some
time that with OOP we are seeing the first primitive gropings
toward a real algebra of programming. Inheritance gives us sort
of very primitive datastructures at the program algebra level:
With Patel's phunctors, we seem to be seeing re/invention of the
function at the program algebra level. Bravo!
Here's betting a beer that this general line of development
will turn out to be quite important once we get at least a dim
notion of what it is all about...
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