[MUD-Dev] Re: Equipment Fit

Holly Sommer hsommer at micro.ti.com
Wed Sep 2 10:28:44 CEST 1998

On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt wrote:

> It would be silly :-) Then no one would ever lend out 
> equipment, because the fitting would be 'reset'.

A quick reset (ie: one which takes very little time) would happen only on 
items which didn't have much of a specific fit to them in the first 
place (weren't worn much, or had a few different people wear them, but 
only for a short period of time).

> Example:
>   Bubba lend out his well worn boots to Ackbar, just for 
>   an hour, then the boots fit Ackbar badly (fair enough), 
>   but when Bubba gets them back, they will fit him equally
>   poorly (owner will be "Bubba", but fit will be -30, not
>   30).

If he lent them out for an hour, that's not long enough to change the fit 
by 1, let alone by 30 (which would bring the fit up to 0, and reset the 
owner to Ackbar :) Look again - I had suggested that the change in fit be 
+1/MUDday, not +1/MUDhour.

> You need atleast a list of how well some boots fit
> all the individuals that have ever worn them. Whenever
> one individual wears the boots for (as you say) one day,
> all others fit is counted down, while his/her is counted up.

Hmmm... on extremely pliable materials like leather, they'd remold to fit 
whoever pretty quickly, which, at least to me, means the leather would 
also quickly "forget" who had worn it most recently. On extremely 
unpliable materials (like wood), it would take considerably longer to 
change a fit to someone else (but, but the same token, it would take a 
long time to establish a fit from brand-new, too).


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