[MUD-Dev] Re: Introducing the background hook

chris at realm.zfn.uni-bremen.de chris at realm.zfn.uni-bremen.de
Sun Sep 13 22:00:50 CEST 1998


"Ling" wrote at Sep 13, 98 07:22:44 pm
> Unlike fantasy muds that can assume some cliches are universal, eg:
> dwarves are short, elves have pointy ears, I have a sci-fi mud which has a
> huge unknown factor.  Absolutely nothing can be assumed so somehow, I must
> introduce an almost entirely different universe to the players.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

  We at the Realm of Magic have a system that could be exactly used for
this purpose. Our 'Dreams' are texts which are displayed line-by-line
to sleeping people. These dreams could thus also be used to 'remember'
past events, in which the player might have taken part. So this could
also serve as an introduction to the gaming universe.

- Chris

| Christian Loth, chris at rom.mud.de    |           REALM OF MAGIC             |
| http://rom.mud.de/~chris            | telnet rom.mud.de 4000               |
|                                     | http://rom.mud.de/                   |

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