[MUD-Dev] Re: Ugh, IS Diablo a mud?

Marc Hernandez marc at jb.com
Tue Sep 22 14:51:40 CEST 1998

	What about adding 'Interaction with PC/NPCs'.  What it seemed
your list was interested in was what level of persistance said game was
at.  However if all you can do is kill PC/NPCs it isnt much different from
a persistant arcade game (such as quake).
NPCs (out of 10)
Can Kill
Can 'talk' to
Can buy/sell from
Can join

Same list for PCs.
	So for Diablo we would get very low scores for 'talk to' (0) and
join and a fairly low score for buy/sell (something like 1).  For quake we
would even get buy/sell.

Marc Hernandez		marc at eisoftware.com
Programmer		www.eisoftware.com

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