[MUD-Dev] Re: META: What are you looking for in this list?

James Wilson jwilson at rochester.rr.com
Wed Sep 23 19:45:57 CEST 1998

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, J C Lawrence wrote:
>On Wed, 23 Sep 1998 00:20:08 -0400 
>Hal Black<hal at moos.ml.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 1998 at 02:31:19PM -0700, J C Lawrence wrote:
>> I have an LP background.
>Knowing a little of the background data of our subscriber list, the
>membership appear to be almost evenly spread between the
>DIKU/LP/Tiny-* camps.  While I haven't done a breakdown against who
>has posting authority, I wouldn't be surprised if the DIKU camp pips 
>ahead there as (and this is supported by Usenet) they appear to be
>more vocal.
>Note: I don't fall into the DIKU, LP, or the Tiny-* camps.  If
>anything, and this is equally misleading, I'm an Aber recluse.  

I also am 'none of the above'. (I hate them all - not their engines, 
their aesthetics. But nobody asked, so I'll shut up.)

>>   I think this issue ties in tightly with the education issue.  If
>> there is a means for people to read good, organized articles about
>> the state of the art, as opposed to reading threads and trying to
>> follow the issue, then I think this does a lot for bringing
>> everyone up to speed (myself included).  I would love to see
>> something like a MUD 101 textbook (electronic, of course), which
>> would be self-contained - given knowledge of procedural and
>> object-oriented programming.  I know it would certainly be a good
>> resource for me.  
>There have been several thread summaries made by list members
>(Marian, Lambert, etc) which have been posted to the list.  I will
>be getting these up on the web, but suitable archive searches may be 
>useful ITMT.  
>Other than that -- want to start writing such a 101 text?.

I volunteer to assist with any such effort. You also mentioned the
various scenarios:

> It would be great if someone undertook the task of collecting a list 
> of the various scenarios, their names, the reasons for their 
> existance, their solutions, the weaknesses of their solutions etc..

This, as well as a '101' or 'Mud Programming Encyclopedia', would
be quite useful. They could (should) also be cross-refenced back to the
list archives, pointing to relevant threads.

Should such a thing live on kanga.nu itself? Or would it be better to 
put it elsewhere? I have access to some space on a stable web 
server, but I don't think they provide anything beyond the basic 
access (e.g. searches would be nice).

>> Another benefit I find is when someone says something succinctly
>> or puts a label on something, which in turn brings together a lot
>> of loose ideas that I had been thinking about previously into a
>> coherent whole.  
>I'm sure Koster would appreciate assistance in collecting such
>'laws' in cogent form.  

maybe we can add this to the '101' project .

>J C Lawrence                               Internet: claw at null.net
>(Contractor)                               Internet: coder at ibm.net
>---------(*)                     Internet: claw at under.engr.sgi.com
>...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...

what exactly does this "Teamer's" stuff mean anyways?


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