[MUD-Dev] Re: Medievia

James Wilson jwilson at rochester.rr.com
Wed Sep 23 20:27:42 CEST 1998

on Wed, 23 Sep 1998 10:27:35 -0500, "Koster, Raph" 
<rkoster at origin.ea.com> wrote:

> If you see mud design as an art and a craft, and art's purpose as
> essentially communication and the fostering of exchange of ideas, you
> could therefore argue that Medievia is more successful than Legend. (And
> anyone who knows me might know that I agree with those premises but said
> conclusion horrifies me).

> -Raph

seems like the ol' popular culture vs. elite culture divide to me. 
Millions of people get pleasure out of Bette Midler's songs,
but that doesn't change the fact that she sucks. ;)

James, who came by the way of the half-breeds and lesbians

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