[MUD-Dev] Re: FPL: Another embeddable bytecoded scripting language

The Arrow arrow at trelleborg.mail.telia.com
Sat Sep 26 17:54:44 CEST 1998

On Sat, 26 Sep 1998, Chris Gray wrote:

> [J C Lawrence:]
>  >Frexx Programming Language (FPL) is an interpreting script/macro
> ...
>  ><<Chris Gray:  This appears to have an Amiga heritage.  Know
>  >anything about it?>>
> The name vaguely rings a bell, but I'm afraid I can't recall anything
> about it. The description is odd, since Rexx, the scripting language
> that the Amiga used (it has old IBM mainframe heritage) is not C-like
> at all.

If I remember correctly, FPL was first made as a script language for an
Amiga text editor called FrexxEd (from where it got its name, probably), and
later evolved into a standalone package.

I actually thought about using FPL as a scripting/trigger language for a
CircleMUD I was developing back in 1995, but decided to go with Lua instead.
(Lua can be found on http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/lua/ or
http://csg.uwaterloo.ca/~lhf/home.html .)

/ Joachim
The Arrow                   Email: arrow at trelleborg.mail.telia.com
Joachim Pileborg              WWW: http://w1.410.telia.com/~u41003102/
"They say I don't give a shit about anything," -- Magnus Uggla
"but I don't give a shit about that."        (translated from swedish)

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