[MUD-Dev] Re: DBMS in MU*'s

Ola Fosheim Grøstad <olag@ifi.uio.no> Ola Fosheim Grøstad <olag@ifi.uio.no>
Sun Sep 27 16:15:17 CEST 1998

(this is a reply to an old post)

J C Lawrence wrote:
> I like multiple inheritance, but will freely admit that it makes
> gawd-awful nightmares easily accomplishable.  Others champion single
> inheritance, stating quite rightly, that there's nothing you can do in
> multiple inheritance that can't be accomplished (with a different
> hierarchy) using single inheritance.  It really derives to something
> much like the dreaded GOTO war:  Everybody admits that there are no
> cases where there is no alternative to using them, but many argue that
> using them makes some/many cases "simpler".
> Then again there is the concept of interfaces (again, cf the current
> C++ Report (sorry about the price)) which adds a whole new twist to
> the puzzle outside of the inheritance arena without really replacing
> the concepts of inheritance at all.  They've all got their uses,
> proponents, enemies, and champions, and can all do the job at hand if
> you put your mind to it.

I haven't been able to get hold of C++ report.  Maybe you could sketch the
implementation? Is the interface implemented using virtual functions, one
reference and an abstract base class?


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