[MUD-Dev] Object Obsolescence [ WAS: thoughts on game economies ]

Shawn Halpenny malachai at iname.com
Mon Jun 14 11:37:41 CEST 1999

On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 04:50:14PM -0700, Caliban Tiresias Darklock wrote:

[ decaying brooms elided --rsh ]

> It would be interesting to hear how people would deal with this
> issue.  My own concept is obsolescence.  In the 3.0 release of UU,
> devices may -- if I don't come up with a better idea -- have damage
> levels, in which every item you own has a number of 'damage points'. 
> If the device is hit during battle, it will lose some.  Every time
> you use the device, it may lose some.  As the device's damage goes
> up, it will become more and more likely to fail.  Eventually, it
> will break.  If it is damaged enough, it may be destroyed.  This
> gives you certain things for free -- if using a given item does more
> damage than it has damage points, then the object will be
> automatically destroyed. 

I have something like this, but I use two values:  one is a "number of
remaining uses" counter and the other is a "probability that a single
use decrements the counter".

The object is destroyed when the counter hits 0.

I chose two values because I didn't think (for example) that someone's
water canteen should "decay" at the same rate as someone's sword:

Canteen:  uses=1000, probability=.05
Sword: uses=2000, probability=.25

I will likely instead make the probability value a function call, thus
allowing context of the item's use to factor into the probability
calculation.  This is to attempt to account for the difference of, say, a
sword striking steel as opposed to wood, or smashing your canteen into
someone's head rather than drinking from it.

At any point when the counter > 0, the user can get the item repaired.
This should probably be restricted, though, based on the magnitude of the
decay probability.  Since lower probability implies minor decay at any
given time, it may be plausible to assume that large amounts of damage are
easier to fix than negligible damage:  if the spout of your canteen is
getting worn, you're probably just going to buy another one (i.e. it's
irreparable), but if your sword is notched in a dozen places, you can
reasonably expect to have a swordsmith repair it.

Ideally, the counter's initial value (i.e.  at object creation) would
be determined by the system, rather than some builder.  I suppose it
would be based at least on the object's composition, mass, intended
use...but you go determine _that_ by algorithm.

Shawn Halpenny |        Maniacal at I Ache, Ohm    |  "Universal Danger!"
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MUD-Dev maillist  -  MUD-Dev at kanga.nu

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