[MUD-Dev] AW: [MUD-Dev] Censorship

Damion Schubert zjiria at austin.rr.com
Sun May 2 15:36:19 CEST 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Mihaly <diablo at best.com>
>I have instituted all sorts of methods for punishing annoying players,
>from temporarily dampening the power of their abilities, to the most
>drastic aside from deletion: shrubbing. I turn them into a lovely little
>shrub that really spruces up the landscape. I mean, if you've got a sort
>of 'blah' Imperial Garden or whatnot, and you have an annoying player, why
>not take care of two birds with one stone, and turn the player into a
>hedgerow or a shrub, or maybe even a selection of water lillies (I suggest
>mostly green, with a couple white ones floating about). While a shrub,
>everything the player does results in him or her simply rustling his or
>her branches a bit. I find that after a day or so as foliage, most players
>are happy to reform. You should try it!

Hear, hear.  Morphing a troublemaker, whether it's turning them into a 
bush, a rabbit, or a toad, is highly effective.  Why?  Because it feels 
like punishment, and it's kind of fun (for everyone except the toaded),
and the censorship angle of it is quite subtle.  They think the morph is
the real punishment and the silence is just an aside, when the truth is
the opposite.

By contrast, if you just silence someone, then they and every libertarian
on the mud starts arguments about inherent first amendment rights
yadda yadda yadda.  


MUD-Dev maillist  -  MUD-Dev at kanga.nu

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