[MUD-Dev] Planes of existance

Caliban Tiresias Darklock caliban at darklock.com
Sun May 16 12:34:42 CEST 1999

On 06:46 PM 5/15/99 +0000, I personally witnessed Ben Greear jumping up to say:
>Caliban Tiresias Darklock wrote:
>> The player himself is the character. Ostensibly, he is also the captain of
>> a spaceborne warship. This warship is controlled remotely by computer. (I'm
>> so inordinately pleased at how appropriate this is with respect to
>> suspension of disbelief -- unlike your average game where you're supposed
>> to be physically there, your in-game situation in my system is identical to
>> your RL situation: you're sitting at an obsolete terminal, using an
>> inadequate command set!)
>Ever read Ender's Game? :)

Yep. Several times. Great book. :)

>I really like this a lot!  I've been kicking around ideas for something
>like this, but I keep getting distracted :)  

Ummm... ummm... I can't take credit for it! The basic concept comes from
the author of the original TradeWars in the 80s, from which TradeWars 2002
and Ultimate Universe (and, by extension, Planets: TEOS) eventually sprung.
The only thing I've added is a transparent rationale for having a
text-based interface.

And if anyone has that original TradeWars archived somewhere, PLEASE tell
me. I'm trying to write up a history of the game, for nostalgic purposes,
but I don't remember the specifics of the original. :)

>I was thinking of a fully
>graphical system with full range of motion (as well as textual communications
>of course).

I can't do a graphical system. The universe is non-Euclidean and can only
be represented mathematically. I think it's more interesting that way. ;)

| Caliban Tiresias Darklock            caliban at darklock.com 
| Darklock Communications          http://www.darklock.com/ 
| U L T I M A T E   U N I V E R S E   I S   N O T   D E A D 
| 774577496C6C6E457645727355626D4974H       -=CABAL::3146=- 

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