[MUD-Dev] selling Godhoods

J C Lawrence claw at cp.net
Mon Apr 24 15:38:02 CEST 2000

On Mon, 24 Apr 2000 21:57:56 +0000 (GMT) 
Matthew Mihaly <the_logos at achaea.com> wrote:

> We are selling Godhoods in Achaea, for $3000 a piece. 
> Comments?

Reading between the lines I suspect you also have a shortage of
qualified God candidates, and that they total number of active Gods
at any one time is small.  This raises the potential problem of the
person who would make a most wonderful God, but doesn't want to pay.

Are you willing to pass them by (possibly having your game suffer
for their absense and/or negative reaction to being passed over), or
are you going to waive the fee, let them in, and then suffer the
righteous indignation and counter-effects from your paid Gods since
someone got in for free and they didn't?

What about if someone says someone got in for free/less, thus
creating exactly the same situation, when it wasn't actually true?

J C Lawrence                              Internet: claw at kanga.nu
----------(*)                            Internet: coder at kanga.nu
...Honorary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...

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