[MUD-Dev] How to handle/display partial language skill

Joe Kingry jkingry at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 18 19:44:17 CET 2000

We have a very basic way of handling languages on our mud. Currently each
language has a table of sylables/words and a mapping to a some assortment of
letters. Each language table of course has a mapping for individual letters.
When someone says something in a different language, those that can
understand the language see something like:
	(sylvan) Mab says 'Hello world'
While those that don't see:
	Mab gossips 'nlaelelrr 'luurrwaelli''

The table would look something like this:

    static const struct language_type sylvan_table[] =
        { " ",          " "      },
        { "the",        "lle"    },
        { "and",        "ywr"    },
        { "kill",       "tlet"   },
        { "me",         "ae"     },
        { "are",        "slf"    },
        { "to", "yl" }, { "at" , "llyn" },
        { "here",               "ptha"          },
        { "dude",               "aale"          },
        { "magic",              "ife"         },
        { "horde",     "neebler"                },
        { "immortal",            "ddley"               },
        { "moon",       "lun"          },
        { "a", "i" }, { "b", "ll" }, { "c", "y" }, { "d", "li'" },
        { "e", "a" }, { "f", "s" }, { "g", "wy" }, { "h", "nl" },
        { "i", "wa" }, { "j", "n" }, { "k", "q" }, { "l", "el" },
        { "m", "yn" }, { "n", "el" }, { "o", "rr" }, { "p", "fs" },
        { "q", "ue" }, { "r", "wa" }, { "s", "az" }, { "t", "l" },
        { "u", "u" }, { "v", "or" }, { "w", "'luu" }, { "x", "wyn" },
        { "y", "y" }, { "z", "cee" },
        { "", "" }

But how do you handle non 100% skill in a language? I imagine in our case
with a table that maps various fragments you could do a reverse map of the
fragment only if you passed a skill check.  I've experimented with this with
varying results.  I'm just looking for other ideas at this time.

Any suggestions on how to handle languages?



MUD-Dev maillist  -  MUD-Dev at kanga.nu

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