[MUD-Dev] Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)

Travis Nixon tnixon at avalanchesoftware.com
Thu Feb 22 14:18:12 CET 2001

Klyde Beattie wrote:

> Perhaps you could rename the item to somthing that there would be
> more than one of, Thors Hammer is a name for a unique item. The big
> question still remains, how do we make quests unique so that not
> everyone has and trys to get the same quest items, and so people get
> to have a unique experiance. Artifact Entertainment is atempting to
> do this with it's quest system where apperantly quests are randomly
> generated. Time will tell on that one but i think random quests and
> random quest items, and most lilkly random dungeons are the future
> of quest for MMOLRPG's. This is just a guess and but i see potential
> in this area.

I agree wholeheartedly.  That is the way things have to go.  I take
the idea even further though, and say that entire worlds will have to
be randomly generated.  Actually, I hate to use the term 'randomly'
because that implies a sense of, er, well, randomness, which is not
necessarily desirable.  I'd lean more toward calling it
"automatically" generated, probably with a small amount of very
extremely high-level direction from a human being.

I have all these ideas running around in my head about the future of
content creation that I try to figure out how to convey in writing,
but I haven't come up with just how to do it yet.  But this concept is
at the core: the idea that things must be automatically created from
high-level definitions.  And when I say high level, I'm talking about
anything from "Create me a city about this big, with about this many
people, with this sort of culture, with this sort of architectural
style", to "Create me a world similar to earth, but where insects
developed high intelligence and civilization before primates".

Quests are the beginning, and the easy part.  I can conceive of ways
to go about creating interesting quests right now, and wrote a little
about some of those ideas a while back.  I can't quite yet conceive
making the "create me a world" scenario work just yet though.  Working
on it, but not just yet.  :)

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