[MUD-Dev] Skill-Trees & Skill-Webs (was: Curing skill spam (was: Moving away from the level base system))

Travis Casey efindel at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 10 16:41:36 CET 2001

Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 12:31:09 PM, Phil Hall <tholal at bga.com> wrote:
> Christopher Allen <ChristopherA at skotos.net> wrote:

>>     <skill groupname="thief" skillname="sneaking" dif="100"
>>learningspeed="1" vis="true">
>>         <factors>
>>             <factor skillname="size" val="-0.2"/>
>>             <factor skillname="agility" val="0.2"/>
>>             <factor skillname="dexterity" val="0.05"/>
>>             <factor skillname="hearing" val="0.1"/>
>>             <factor skillname="thiefgeneral" val="0.1"/>
>>         </factors>
>>     </skill>
>>     <skill groupname="thief" skillname="pilfer" dif="200"
>>learningspeed="0.7" vis="true">
>>         <factors>
>>             <factor skillname="size" val="-0.05"/>
>>             <factor skillname="agility" val="0.05"/>
>>             <factor skillname="dexterity" val="0.2"/>
>>             <factor skillname="hearing" val="0.1"/>
>>             <factor skillname="thiefgeneral" val="0.1"/>
>>         </factors>
>>     </skill>

> I don't understand why hearing should affect the ability to pilfer or sneak.

I would guess that "sneaking" is either a "move silently" skill, or a
combination of that with the traditional "hide" skill.  Thus, for it,
having good hearing yourself might help you to avoid making extra

"Pilfer" is probably a "pick pockets" type skill.  Again, hearing
might help you avoid making noise.  Hearing might also help you
anticipate when someone's likely to turn.

In both cases, it probably wouldn't be of much help.  I don't know how
small a contribution "0.1" is in the skill system being used, but I
would guess it's not very big.

Personally, I'd probably factor in some sort of psychology skill or
social skill into pilfer as well... those could help you pick times
when your target is likely to be distracted, after all.  Or, for the
"bump into your target" style of pickpocketing, help one to dissemble
well about being so sorry for bumping into you, and can I help you
pick that up...  :-)

       |\      _,,,---,,_    Travis S. Casey  <efindel at earthlink.net>
 ZZzz  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   No one agrees with me.  Not even me.
      |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
     '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   

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