[MUD-Dev] No Exp? (was: Exploration Exp)

Corey Crawford myrddin at seventh.net
Wed Jan 17 23:23:33 CET 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Buehler" <johnbue at msn.com>

> Yes, dump experience as a model for measuring everything.

> Reward explorers with the rewards of exploration: character
> knowledge of the world, including geography, wildlife, etc.

> Reward socializers with the rewards of socialization: character
> faction, improved language skills, improved skills for whatever the
> socializers are doing while socializing - which may include trades
> and such.

> Reward killers with the rewards of killing: having achieved the
> kill, looting the body, etc.

> Reward achievers with the rewards of achieving: having reached a
> goal, winning the award or prize, etc.

> Eliminate increasing personal power and increasing hit points.  If
> this isn't done, then don't bother with the above reward systems.

John brings up a good point .. exp *is* outdated.

How can we achieve the goals John brings up?

I'm honestly not sure there is a simple way, obviously getting into
something way more complex than exp. Players like to see a solid
improvement, something, ANYTHING, to indicate what they are doing is
yielding something back. That they aren't wasting their time.

Aside from rewarding achievers (quests) and socializers (providing the
people and a structure to socialize in), how do we reward the other
types of players?

How do we justify the time an adventurer spends EXPLORING the world? 
For the player himself: sure he gets the see the world, see what's in
it, know what's where, etc.. but the character? How can we reward the
character for exploring? John says knowledge of geography, wildlife,
and the world itself (etc.).. but how does that "knowledge" reflect in
the game? How does the game know how versed the character is in the
ways of the world?

Isn't that the same thing as having an int with the name
'explorer_exp' and displaying the explorers prowess either through the
value of 'explorer_exp' itself or some predefined string?

Everything is eventually broken down into numbers anyway, so would
there truly be any difference if the information was displayed to the
character in another fashion? We could say that because the player has
X amount in 'explorer_exp' he is more inclined to learn and speak new
languages.. but really, is that much different than letting the player
take that same 'explorer_exp' variable and assigning it to his
language skills? Or automatically modifying a language skill by some
percentage of that exp?

(Note: I know this only looks at 'explorers', I'm just trying to get a
discussion going!)

I'd be really interested if someone has ideas about how to implement a
more 'true to life' experience and skill system.

Ideas? Comments?

Corey Crawford | myrddin at seventh.net | www.seventh.net

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