[MUD-Dev] [BIZ] Randy's Resume

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Mon Jul 30 13:12:05 CEST 2001

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, F. Randall Farmer wrote:
> Randy has landed at - - - 3DO.

> I'm very excited and honored to apply my extensive online
> experience as lead on a very different kind of massively
> multiplayer project, based on many of the ideas in the "DNA"
> patent...

It is an interresting concept, although the reference to DNA escapes
me. I would use the concept of DNA only if recombination of
attributes from different objects were possible (not just
genotype/phenotype expressed in 'different environments'). Of course
recombination/mutation could possibly be included in any use of the
concept as well (with care).

Hans Henrik Stærfeldt   |    bombman at diku.dk    | work:  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk      |
Address:                |___  +45 40383492    __|__       +45 45252425     __|
DTU, Kemitorvet,        | Scientific programmer at Center for Biological     |
bygn 208, CBS.          |  Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark|

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