[MUD-Dev] Maintaining fiction.

Eli Stevens listsub at wickedgrey.com
Sun Jun 10 16:06:47 CEST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Madman Across the Water" <burra at alum.rpi.edu>
To: <mud-dev at kanga.nu>
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [MUD-Dev] Maintaining fiction.

> Matt Mihaly wrote:

>> But all those things change, just like my equipment.

> Perhaps a line could be drawn at: the equipment has a "physical"
> (within the context of the world) existence apart from the
> character. Skills, stats, flags, etc, do not. While they change,
> they cannot be transfered from one character to another the way
> equipment can.


> Yes, one could make a world where one can't drop one's equipment,
> or where one could hand a stat to someone else. Sure. If the lines
> were trivially easy to draw we wouldn't be having this
> conversation. But in either case we could probably come up with
> "internal" and "external" attributes of someone- I'd argue that
> permadeath is wiping the slate of the internal ones.


A system has permadeath if the "death" (as presented in the game
fiction) of an avatar confers no special ability to transfer
anything from one avatar to another (respawning counts as another

If you can give away equipment in the game, then corpse looting does
not rule out permadeath.  Having all your equipment teleport to a
friend's or mule's locker would (assuming it is a specially
conferred ability, unique to character death).

It is not a perfect definition, I know.  But it could be used as a


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