[MUD-Dev] Interpersonal Relationships

quzah quzah at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 22 22:08:20 CEST 2001

From: "J C Lawrence" <claw at 2wire.com>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 20:33
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 08:03:20 -0700 
> quzah  <quzah at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Kill them with the mud.
>> Make hunter-killer mobs that target them specificly. Make them
>> travel from room to room kicking their ass. Make them steal items
>> from the characters. Unfailabe stealing, drop and sac.
> The problem is that you have just established the game itself as
> the best and most competent opponent to be gamed and paced the
> game admins as the most attractive targets de jour.  There are few
> badges of greater honour and pride that successfully besting such
> a setup.

If I'm reading this right, this is what I've always wanted to do.
If any of you have read the "Death Gate" series of books, in effect,
I want the Labyrinth. I want a mud that *is* the Labyrinth from
those books.

For those of you who are not familiar with it, basicly it's a
thinking plane of existance. The whole plane itself was created to
punnish the "bad people" and so, it evolves on its own. It keeps
throwing out challenges. When you beat whatever it throws at you, it
throws something else at you.

I've looked briefly at the concept of genetic algorithms and have
wondered if I could make something like it without having it being
just to insanely difficult. That'd be the hard part. Giving it a
balance. We want it hard, but not entirely impossible. So maybe it
takes some 20 characters as a team effort to defeat the latest
opponant, but it can still be beat eventually, some way.

>   For those that were on Shades: remember Gniblick?
> Its the same deal: You've just formally placed and acknowledged a
> class of players in opposition to you as admins, and stated that
> they 'win" if they can beat you.

It sounds like this is where they're at currently anyway. They're
afraid to implement PK becuase the "bad people" will slaughter
everyone on the mud. The "bad people" are being bad anyway and they
want some form of correction.

The old model doesn't work because the "bad people" are at the top
of the food chain.

What they really want is the "weaker people" to do all the work for
them. (IE: Knock the bad people down a few notches so the mud is
more friendly / balanced / fun again.)

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