Digital Property Law [was RE: [MUD-Dev] Selling training]

Chris Jones cjones at
Wed Mar 14 23:51:40 CET 2001

"Nathan F.Yospe" wrote:
> Interestingly, this particular issue often comes up. 
> the whole thing works is, a university (and presumably a mud) is
> treated as a deputized district, as if it were a seperate city.
> Little known fact is, a county court can try a city judge as a
> criminal accessory in such a case...  and since the universities
> rarely employ *real* judges, they are far more likely to be actually
> tried than a city.  And I doubt your mud judgements would be
> rendered by (online jurisdiction?) bar approved judges.

You're assuming .us jurisdiction.  That assumption is not necessarily
true at the moment, and is likely to become increasingly less
warranted in the future -- the whole world is not the US, and laws are
quite often very different.
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