Spaces or rooms? (Re: [MUD-Dev] Information sharing (was: Re: Where are we now?))

Ola Fosheim Grøstad <> Ola Fosheim Grøstad <>
Tue May 8 00:58:11 CEST 2001

"Koster, Raph" wrote:

> presentation was stuff that is publicly available raw data:
> room-based maps versus continuous maps, for example, is something
> that just about anyone on this list could identify as an important
> design difference. But when I went looking for analysis of mud
> design, I found that nobody had even classified those two very basic
> structures.

Uhm... I don't believe that is right.  I believe several have pointed
this out.  Anyway, for a rather (overly) thorough look at the
room-based one, look for Andreas Dieberger's Phd thesis.

If I was to write on this today, I probably would make the distinction
between graph-structured, (segmented and nonsegmented) euclidean space
and "non-spatial/generated" dynamic environments. Although I think it
is much more complicated than that, because even in eculidean space
you have rooms, and you have the field of vision which forms a room,
you have the auras in DIVE which are rooms, you have the sliding
window over the landscape in Alphaworld (and other 3D worlds) which is
some sort of (annoying) room. Not to mention the parallell chat/action
"rooms" that comes with team play and such (I prefer to abstract those
as "spheres" in my own thinking on the subject)...

I welcome the design patterns effort though!
Ola  -

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