[MUD-Dev] [BIZ] Selling Sex, Power, and Prestige

Sasha Hart harts at reed.edu
Thu Feb 14 21:20:23 CET 2002

[Dave Kennerly]

> The advertisement's painting uses the tiger-man as a syntagm (an
> object that symbolically represents a concept within a paradigm,
> Dyer 126) to sell male sexual power.

I wish there was a way to just buy the stuff without even puzzling
through the wretched syntagms. Even when you've done it, the store
refuses to take the box with the broken seal back, probably out of
concerns for its symbolic pollution.

> Although probably unintentional by the artist, the viewer will at
> least subconsciously notice that the tiger-man and elf-maiden come
> close to joining.

This appeals to the white-collar male's desire for accidental public


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