[MUD-Dev] MOBPROG and other scripting languages

Acius helpsfamily at attbi.com
Sat Jan 12 13:11:34 CET 2002

William Murdick wrote:

> Friend of mine and I are working on writing a mud codebase from
> the ground up. We're learning to code a lot of the parts as we go
> and so it probably isn't the most efficient mud server
> around. However, I've been trying to figure out how to go about
> writing an internal scripting language similar or perhaps better
> than the mobprograms contained in most MERC and MERC-derivative
> muds.
> Does anyone know of a good site with resources I could look at or
> perhaps something that could give me a good push in the right
> direction?


  -- Assuming you are using C or C++, this is an excellent script
  language designed to be embedded in applications that need
  scripting. The license is a true free license (meaning not GNU --
  you can use this in closed-source applications), and it has good
  performance and debugging abilities.

-- Acius

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