[MUD-Dev] New Here

MIKE MacMartin mike at igs.net
Sat Jun 21 08:47:28 CEST 2003

On 20 Jun 2003 13:13:04 -0700
Mike  <szii at sziisoft.com> wrote:

> Welcome to the list.  =)


> Now on to your question...

> This may be a style thing, but...

> Do this.  Change your while from

>     while ((pos = fmt.find('$', pos + 1)), pos != string::npos) {

> to
>     while (pos != string::npos) { // string::npos is -1
>       pos = fmt.find('$',pos + 1);
>       if (pos != string:: npos) {
>         // work the string in here
>       }
>     }

Actually, my fix was in my CSocket::operator >>  ... I made my socket class
work like iostreams, since, for all intents and purposes, that's what they

I had it looking something like:

  CSocket& CSocket::operator >>(string& text) {
    // appropriate read call into a buffer, assigning to text
    text.erase(text.length() - 1); // to get rid of \n
    return *this; // to chain it like cout/cin etc.

If you pay attention to that code, you'll notice that it's
incomplete... what I really wanted was to get rid of newline chars
... but sometimes I get a \r\n ... and this just gets rid of the

Brace yourself: this means that it goes to the start of the line
with a character that there's no way I'd be able to get outputted.
I was drawn to this (correct) thought due to the extra characters in
the string's size.

The fix is just a simple change:

  while (text[text.length() -1] == '\n' || text[text.length() - 1] == '\r')
    text.erase(text.length() - 1);

Also, on the subject of scripting languages, I've embedded TCL, but
I'm thinking Ruby might be a better choice (due to the obvious
object-oriented nature of an RPG) but I've never used it.  Any

Also, I'm expecting people to be designing game systems over top of
my library.  So, I've gone and made a superclass "Functor" for the
object, which just currently makes sure they implement an

Functors, for those of you who don't know, are C++ objects that
basically look like:

  struct Functor: binary_function<CCharacter&, vector<string>&, bool> {
    virtual bool operator()(CCharacter& ch, vector<string>& args) {
      ch.descriptor() << "Plain functor!  Bug!";
      return true;

I'm thinking I may want to extend it with this:

  struct Functor: binary_function<CCharacter&, vector<string>&, bool> {
    // operator()
    int tclAPI(/* TCL args ... can't remember them */) {
      // fetch the character
      // break up the TCL args I get from one string to a vector<strings>
      return (*this)(ch, args)? TCL_OK : TCL_ERR;

and mandating that in the constructor for the functor (odd thinking
of functions having constructors...) having a

  Game::getGame().registerTCL("name", tclAPI);

... would that work?  It would seem to be the best solution, as it
would almost automatically provide a TCL API for everything

> -Mike
MIKE (yup, another mike)
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