[MUD-Dev] ghost mode (was Re: SW:G)

Amanda Walker amanda at alfar.com
Wed Sep 10 10:17:13 CEST 2003

Daniel.Harman at barclayscapital.com wrote:

> Furthermore, Amandas contention that she wants to see the content
> without the grunt work required to do it, is part of the incentive
> a developer creates for people to actually play the game. The last
> thing you want is people being able to see and do everything as
> soon as they first log in. Its hardly likely to prolong
> subscription revenue is it?

Well, if the most compelling content you can create is a shopping
list, perhaps not.

But if your world is actually interesting, why not?

You're implicitly linking "motivation to pay" to "being able to
see/do more parts of the game."  I don't think those are necessarily
the same.  With a quick trip to google, anyone can see (and get
precise recipes for how to do) any content (that's been discovered)
in any game, generally an hour or so after it's released to the
public.  And yet people do pay month after month, despite the fact
that walkthroughs and "cheat sheets" are one of the most popular
types of player-generated content around.

Perhaps peoples' motivation is not where you think it is.

Amanda Walker
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