[MUD-Dev] SW:G

Michael Tresca talien at toast.net
Wed Sep 10 21:52:12 CEST 2003

Freeman, Jeff [mailto:jfreeman at soe.sony.com]

> Which game I play is primarily determined by which game my best
> friend is playing (and vice versa).  We decide which game we're
> going to play based largely on where most of our other friends
> are.

Said this at the Dragon*Con panel:

  Friends trump EVERYTHING.

  They trump gameplay.  They trump graphics.  They trump the
  intricately detailed non-level based advancement system.  They
  trump the economy.  They trump the ability to craft. They trump it

  I have yet to see a MMORPG use this to its advantage.  Forget
  promoting in game.  Forget ads in magazines.  Where's the "bring
  five of your friends and you get a free account"?

  Friends rule.  It's why folks leave Retro...and then come back
  later.  To see their friends.

  If they all get up and leave simultaneously -- as I've witnessed
  for a variety of MMORPGs -- you didn't really have the players in
  the first place.  They were just following their friends.

  Nasty blow to the ego, that.

Mike "Talien" Tresca
RetroMUD Administrator
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