[MUD-Dev] Re: Online vs Offline (was CoH and others)

Ghilardi Filippo ghilardi at dsfinance.it
Thu Jul 15 12:11:00 CEST 2004

From: Mike Rozak

> Introducing private regions solves this too... at which point the
> MMORPG is really a CRPG that requires you to be online to play.

Eventually you can keep your offline game as is and sell it only by
online distribution. Like Yahoo GamesOnDemand
(http://gamesondemand.yahoo.com) that streams the game to your
computer and let you play based on different pricing models. You
need to be connected to receive initial data for playing and anytime
you want to start playing. Those games aren't simple titles but full
sized games like Prince of Persia, Commandos 3 and many more. So
isn't a technological problem. We need to see if this new business
model can work and what has to say the usual retail distribution
channel for lost revenue.

ciao ciao
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